Abstract of The Sociolinguistic Analysis of the Role of Silence in Communication
Silence is not merely the absence of sound but it communicates something different according to when and where the silence takes place. Though many people have negative feeling or attitude towards silence but this is to create a clear understanding about silence as a mode of communication. Silence can signify something quite different in different contexts. It is a statement in itself and conveys meaning in communication. There are two types of communication, that is verbal communication and non-verbal communication. Silence is a non-verbal communication. The method used is questionnaire, which is used to view various people’s mind-set or thinking about silence and the views are described in various contexts. Some have very good feeling and some have bad feeling. The bad feeling can be corrected if people tend to know the role silence plays. Silence, most times, is relevant in human society. This work describes the relevance, importance and uses of the role silence plays in communication. Some of the roles are: for better understanding, to show maturity, respect and humility and so on. The research work has five chapters (i) General Introduction (ii) Literature Review (iii) Research Methodology (iv) Data Presentation and Analysis (v) Summary and Conclusion