Computer Science Project Topics

The Role of Information Gathering in the Rapid Social-economic Transformation of Nigeria


Chapter One Of The Role of Information Gathering in the Rapid Social-economic Transformation of Nigeria



Rapid economic development and social well-being constitute the transformation imperative of developing countries of the world and indeed, remain the normative goal of the international community (Ehi, 2009). This involves the attainment of sufficient levels of economic growth to allow for a progressive improvement in the material standard of living of the populace. However, for Nigeria and most African countries, the economies are in an abysmal state. The worsening economic conditions have been generating a mix of domestic, social and political tension. We have had series of development plans in Nigeria. Nigeria is permanently hunted by the spectre of development. Its fifty three years of independence actually are rolling by daily in search of development. The myth of growth and development is so entrenched that the country’s history passes for the history of development strategies and growth models from colonial times up to date. No term has been in constant flux as development. This seems the only country where virtually all notions and models of development have been experimented (Aremu, 2003).

Information gathering refers to gathering information about the issue been faced and the ways other organizations and communities have addressed it. The more information one have about the issue itself and the ways it has been approached, the more likely one is able to devise an effective program or intervention of to address the situation (Bala, 2007). There are obviously many sources of information, and they vary depending on what is been looked for. In general, information can be gathered from only 2 sources, existing sources or natural example. Existing sources refers to published material of various kinds that might shed light either on the issue or on attempts to deal with it.  These can be conveniently divided into scholarly publications, aimed primarily at researchers and the academic community, mass-market sources, written in a popular style and aimed at the general public and statistical and demographic information published by various research organizations and government agencies (Iwe, 2000). Natural example includes programs or interventions developed and tried in communities that have addressed similar issue. Studying them can tell can indicate what worked for them and what didn’t, and why. By giving the insight into how issues play the other communities, they can provide nuts-and-bolts ideas about how to (or how not to) conduct a successful program or intervention. For the most part, information sources here are the people who are involved in efforts to address issues similar to the one been faced (Iwe, 2000). Additionally, there are a number of natural examples (such as single case studies) that have been written about descriptively in the literature of community psychology or public health that may be relevant to your work.


Security involves freedom from danger or threat to a nation’s ability to protect and develop itself, promote its cherished values and well-being of its people. This takes into account the need for information gathering and significance of human well-being in the security considerations of a country especially in a developing country like Nigeria. In this connection, it is easy to establish a nexus between information gathering, national security and development. Accordingly, it is meaningless to talk of social economic transformation in the absence of national security. In other words, insecurity in a nation is a threat to social economic transformation. National security is a sine qua non for political stability and socio-economic development of any nation

There has been no previous research on role of information gathering in the rapid socio economic transformation of Nigeria but however gathering the information that already exists about the issues hindering development and attempts to address it is one of the most important aspects of planning a program or evaluation that can bring about the needed socio economic transformation in Nigeria. By putting together what’s known about the issue and the history of the successes and failures of various approaches to it, the nation can build a program structure that includes new innovations and elements that have worked for others in similar situations. However, the researcher is examining the role of information gathering in the rapid socio economic transformation of Nigeria.

The following are the objectives of this study:

  1. To examine the role of information gathering in the rapid socio economic transformation of Nigeria.
  2. To identify the approaches to reliable information gathering for the purpose of socio economic development.
  3. To identify factors that influences rapid socio economic transformation of Nigeria.


  1. What is the role of information gathering in the rapid socio economic transformation of Nigeria?
  2. What are the approaches to reliable information gathering for the purpose of socio economic development?
  3. What are the factors that influenced rapid socio economic transformation of Nigeria?

HO: Information gathering cannot be used as a tool for rapid socio economic transformation of Nigeria.
HA: Information gathering can be used as a tool for rapid socio economic transformation of Nigeria.

The following are the significance of this study:

  1. The outcome of this study will be very useful to policy makers and government of Nigeria on how information gathering can be used as a tool for rapid socio economic transformation of Nigeria with a view of using this information to address the problems ravaging the country.
  2. This research will also serve as a resource base to other scholars and researchers interested in carrying out further research in this field subsequently, if applied will go to an extent to provide new explanation to the topic.

This study on the role of information gathering in the rapid socio economic transformation of Nigeria will cover the approaches to information gathering and how it can be used as a tool for socio economic development and transformation of Nigeria.


  1. Financial constraint– Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire and interview).
  2. Time constraint– The researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. This consequently will cut down on the time devoted for the research work.

Aremu, I. (2003). Development and Political Stability in Kwanashie (ed.) Korea Development Institute.
Bala, J. T. (2007 ) “The Foundations of Religious Intolerance in Nigeria: backgrounds for Understanding the Maitatsine Phenomenon’’. Bulletin of Ecumenical Theory.
Ehi, O. (2009) “The Challenge of National Security and Development” A paper delivered at the Delta State Christian Professional League Seminar on Crisis Management and Nation Building at Grand Hotel, Asaba, 19th Nov.
Iwe, N. S.S. (2000), Religious Fanaticism, Causes, Effects and Remedies. Calabar: Sea Print.



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