Education Project Topics

The Importance of Business Education Training of Secondary School Students in Teaching-learning of Business

The Importance of Business Education Training of Secondary School Students in Teaching-learning of Business


The Importance of Business Education Training of Secondary School Students in Teaching-learning of Business

Content Structure of The Importance of Business Education Training of Secondary School Students in Teaching-learning of Business

  • The abstract contains the research problem, the objectives, methodology, results, and recommendations
  • Chapter one of this thesis or project materials contains the background to the study, the research problem, the research questions, research objectives, research hypotheses, significance of the study, the scope of the study, organization of the study, and the operational definition of terms.
  • Chapter two contains relevant literature on the issue under investigation. The chapter is divided into five parts which are the conceptual review, theoretical review, empirical review, conceptual framework, and gaps in research
  • Chapter three contains the research design, study area, population, sample size and sampling technique, validity, reliability, source of data, operationalization of variables, research models, and data analysis method
  • Chapter four contains the data analysis and the discussion of the findings
  • Chapter five contains the summary of findings, conclusions, recommendations, contributions to knowledge, and recommendations for further studies.
  • References: The references are in APA
  • Questionnaire.


Chapter One of The Importance of Business Education Training of Secondary School Students in Teaching-learning of Business


Business education is widely recognized as an effective pivot for development of professional or skilled manpower in all aspect of commercial, industrial and managerial areas. Osuala (2004) stated that, the advent of business studies stresses the need of providing the youth with the educational experience which equips them with saleable skills and competencies. He added that, business studies is a vocational subject taught in junior secondary school in Nigeria aimed at providing youths who may proceed to senior secondary schoolto graduate with the necessary prevocational skills that will enable them to be useful to them selves and to the community in which they live. He said that school would equally be exposed to the educational experience that would give them comparative advantage in the world of work. The increasing interest about student’s perfofl1lance calls for identification of the place of business education and appraisal of business subject in educational system. However, (Olujuwon ,2010) note that series of factors affecting student’s academic performance include poor instructional quality, student’s negative attitude to school, overcrowded classrooms and poor facilities.NPE (2004) stated that, teachers are important in any educational system. This is because, the qualities of the system itself. Profession teachers: in particular are crucial in the formulation of education policies in any country. According to Kochlar (2000), teacher is to guide the pupils by his percept and possess professional efficiency. Onifade (2010) stated that part from the failure of government atall levels to put in place facilities for teaching and learning at all secondary school level. The methods used by some teachers do not enhance the power of thinking and understanding the subject such as type writer, shorthand and accounting. Which are skill-oriented subjects requiring thinking and most importantly carefulness. Aliyu, (2001) noted that, traditionally shorthand and typewriting are designed skill subjects; performance in a skilled subject requires theapplication of the three (3) domains for learning, namely: the student’s cognitive, effective and the psychomotor respectively.

Nwanunobi (2010) viewed that, the problem of failure in examination goes beyond the student’s cognitive ability. The decaying infrastructure in most secondary is directly responsible for the problem. The laboratories are poorly equipped, even the physical infrastructure like classroom and libraries are nothing to write home about. So with these factors in place how go you expect the student to perform brilliantly in examination? It is just not possible. Kochhar (2000) stated that, the library is the hub of the academic life of a school. It is considered to be the intellectual laboratory of the school. It is also the pressure vault of ideas, the store house of knowledge and the flowing streams of living thoughts. However, Chean (2007) stressed that, the school library is the sole institution that provide children services but they are not adequately funded. Reading habit of children is low because not all children have access to books school may have some programmed for the children but the fact that the school library is not adequately funded; their wishes and aspiration will not go well. Aliyu (2001) stated that, a laboratory is considered essential which serve as the office practical room and for keeping of other machine available for learning. Most of the public secondary school are overcrowded as many as seventy (70) and above pupils, that of teaching in the classroom such as lecture and discussion methods while in vocational subject like business studies, these methods cannot be employed for effective teaching process. Kochhar(2000) also noted that furniture plays an extremely important part in the physical, moral and mental welfare of pupils as education is the cultivation of a first and legitimate familiarity between the mind and the things.



Student’s failure in business studies examination is among other disturbing development- to education sector in recent times. Based on the investigation carried out on 23rd September, 2011 on percentage performance of students in Doubeli Government Day Secondary School for 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 JSCE results, revealed the percentage failure as 63.2%, 51.4%, 49% and 54.2%respectively.Hence, there are students failures in public secondary schools and the failure may be as a result of inadequate qualified teachers, inadequate teaching and learning facilities, inadequate infrastructure, and poor method of teaching, non- completion of syllabus before examination and lack of confidence on the part of teachers and students.

The factors below contributes to failure of secondary school students in Business education training;

Lack of teachers in business studies affect the teaching and learning of business studies courses.

Lack of equipment a such as typewriters, computers and other pose problems in the teaching and learning of business studies.

Lack of interest in some business studies subjects due to internal and external influence.

Insufficient text books on business studies subjects in the school library bring about ineffective teaching and learning of business studies in secondary schools.

Thus, there is the need to address this problem on what can be done to halt the situation which if care is It is true that many public secondary schools have not been given much attention to the business subjects compared with the emphasis on science and vocational subjects. Thus, with reference to Yola North Local Government Area, Adamawa state, there is student’s failure in business studies examination in public secondary schools.


The objective of the study is to research the importance of business education training of secondary school students in teaching-learning of Business.


What is business education?

What is the importance of business education training for secondary school students?


Business education courses make a significant and vital contribution to the academic and career preparation of all students by providing rigorous and relevant courses of study aligned with the Common Core Standards. Below are the importance of business education training in secondary school students;

1. An academically prepared student possesses common core skills including: higher order thinking skills, analytical skills, essential computational skills, writing and reading skills, and technology skills.

2. A career ready person capitalizes on personal strengths, talents, education, and experiences to bring value to the workplace and the community through his/her performance, skill, diligence, ethics, and responsible behavior. A career ready person has explored various career options and is cognizant of the skills and education required.  

3. A student that possesses essential life skills has sound personal finance and money management skills; understands the economic conditions that contribute to a sound economy and what it means to be globally competitive; understands and appreciates the free enterprise system; can use technology efficiently and effectively for personal and career use; and can apply skills learned to various personal and professional situations.


The study focus on the importance of effective teaching-learning of business education training in secondary school students.


The study is limited to secondary school students business education training.


Abraham, Nasakar and Stephen (2008): Strategies for improving business studies in JSSCE in Jalingo Local Government, Taraba state. A research project.Department of vocational education.FUT Yola.

Aliyu M.M (2001): Business education in Nigeria (Trend and Issues). Kwara-Nigeria: Gashen print media publishers.

Olujuwin T. (2010), Transforming the Nigerian education system. A paper presented at department of educational foundation. Adeniran Ogunsunyi College of Education: Lagos-Nigeria.

Onifade (2010): All stakeholders responsible for student failure, Vanguard newspapers 24th march page 4.

Osuala E.C (2004), Foundation of vocational education. Enugu-Nigeria: Cheston Agency Publishers.

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