Economics Project Topics

The Impact Of trade Fair on the Economic Development of Nigeria

The Impact Of trade Fair on the Economic Development of Nigeria


Introduction Of The Impact Of trade Fair on the Economic Development of Nigeria

According to the oxford advance learners dictionary, a trade can be defined as the activity of buying and selling or exchanging of goods and services between people or countries. And fair is define as an event at which many different companies show and sell their product.
Redfern and snedkerp. (2002:15) defined trade fair in their book as creating market opportunities for small enterprise as “A system  of exchange that honours producers communities, consumers and the environment. According to them, trade fair is a kind of model for global economy rooted in people to people connections, justice and sustainability.

However, the currently accepted definition of trade fair has been agreed by fine an informal association of four international trade fair networks (fair trade labeling organizations international, international trade fair association, network of European workshops and  European fair trade association) URL accessed on August 2 2006 as “a trading partnership based on dialogue transparency and respect that seeks greater equity  in international trade. According to these associated trade fair contribute to sustainable development by offering better trading condition and security and the right of marginalized producers and workers

According to Aliyu A.Y (1990). “impact of trade fair on economy recovery” proceeding of a seminar organized during the 1990 Kaduna international trade fair, that the trade fair in Nigeria is as a result of direct importation of the European model and not as a result of traditional fairs that existed in the country before the coming of the Europeans.
These fairs are informed of local periodic market involved along trade routes. The background trading partners before the arrival of the Europeans will be examined to see how these trade were.

Fair are association with long distance trade and are essentially periodic markets. Rural periodic market and the larawan trade known as the tra-sharian trade are fairs under this definitions.
Trade in Nigeria like other part of the world must have started as function of organization which creates specialization, hence the need for exchange, this mainly refers to as local trade .I.e. between rural and urban centers. The tras-sharian trade which originated in north Africa crossed the desert and reached the savanna region of Nigeria had an important stop over at kano and kistina. However kano was more important of the two and its kurmi market was the leading market in the region.
Many schools of thought have over the years propounded on what trade fair should symbolizes and try to achieve. At indence, only small scale manufacturing was in operation and it was mainly dominated by output of bear, soft drinks and tobacco production of textile and cement was also developing. Other industries were light manufacturing which include blearing, oil milling, rubber processing e.t.c there was conscious obsent of engineering products such as machine tools or capital goods.


Therefore conscious effort were made at modernizing the economy by the political administration through some measures of development planning introduced as instrument of economic management.



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