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The Impact of Social Distancing and Frequent Hand Washing in Reducing the Spread of Corona Virus (Covid 19) in Nigeria (a Case Study of Lagos State)





Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a new virus. The corona virus disease was first recorded in Wuhan China and has spread to more than 70 countries of the world. The disease is known to cause respiratory illness (like the flu) with symptoms such as a cough, fever, tiredness and in more severe cases, difficulty breathing and death. A lot has been said about its prevention with most health practitioners advocating for frequent washing of hands with clean running water, avoiding touching your face, and avoiding close contact (1 meter or 3 feet) with people who are unwell. Ever since the first case of this virus in Nigeria, the Nigeria center for Disease control (NCDC) has outlined some safety measures in other to prevent its transmission and ultimately eradicate the virus completely, among the safety measure are also in consonance with the prescriptions of the world health organization (WHO) in dealing with the deadly virus. A recent study in Nigeria has shown the exponential spread of tis deadly virus thus the order by the various states in Nigeria to lock down activities and minimize the congregation of more than 20 persons. In all other contexts, available evidence indicates that corona (COVID 19) virus is transmitted during close contact through respiratory droplets (such as coughing/sneezing) and by fomites. The virus can spread directly from person to person when a COVID-19 case coughs or exhales producing droplets that reach the nose, mouth or eyes of another person. Alternatively, as the droplets are too heavy to be airborne, they land on objects and surfaces surrounding the person. Other people become infected with the COVID-19 Virus by touching these contaminated objects or surfaces, then touching their eyes, nose or mouth. Furthermore, the subsequent shut down of activities around the world in other to enforce social distancing has negatively affected the Nigerian economy as a result of the sharp drop in crude oil prices. As such, WHO continues to recommend that everyone performs hand hygiene frequently, follows respiratory etiquette recommendations and regularly clean and disinfect surfaces. The world health organization (WHO) also continues to recommend the importance of maintaining physical distances and avoiding people with fever or respiratory symptoms. These preventive measures will limit viral transmission.


The outbreak of the COVID 19 Virus in Nigeria has resulted to several casualties, this has resulted to partial shutdown of economic activities as almost all the states have shut their borders and prevented the free movement of people and goods which has overtime help in the stimulation of the economy. The atrial shutdown as a result of the exponential nature of its spread has made people stay indoors, social events has taken a nose dive and businesses and taken a downward turn. All these have been occasioned as a result of this deadly virus that has continued to ravage the world with china, spain, itaky and the united states of America being regarded as the epicenter as a result of the massive deaths recorded in these countries. The disruption of world pace by this virus has also negatively affected the price of crude oil which has further affected our mono economy (majorly oil dependent).


The main objective of this study is to determine the impact of social distancing and frequent hand washing in reducing the spread of corona virus (covid-19) in Nigeria. Specific objectives include;

i.  To examine impact of the outbreak of Corona (COVID 19) virus on the social life of Nigerians.


ii.  To examine the impact of social distancing and frequent hand washing  on the control of the COVID 19 virus.

iii.  To examine the effect of the COVID 19 on the economy of Nigeria.

iv.  To examine the relationship between proper and adequate sensitization and the spread of the COVID 19 Virus in Nigeria.

v.  To recommend other ways of reducing the spread of COVID 19 Virus in Nigeria.


i.  What is the impact of the outbreak of Corona (COVID-19) virus on the social life of Nigerians?

ii.  What is the impact of social distancing and frequent hand washing on the control of the COVID 19 virus?

iii.  What is the effect of the COVID-19 on the economy of Nigeria?

iv.  What is the relationship between proper and adequate sensitization and the spread of the COVID 19 Virus in Nigeria?

v.  What are the other ways of reducing the spread of COVID 19 Virus in Nigeria?


Hypothesis I

H0:  The outbreak of Corona (COVID 19) virus has no significant impact on the social life of Nigerians.

H1:  The outbreak of Corona (COVID 19) virus has significant impact on the social life of Nigerians.

Hypothesis II

H0: There is no significant impact of social distancing and frequent hand washing on the control of the COVID I9 Virus in Nigeria.

H1: There is a significant impact of social distancing and frequent hand washing on the control of the COVID I9 Virus in Nigeria.


This study would be of immense importance towards containing of this deadly virus and its eventual eradication in Nigeria. Findings from this study would also help in tackling future outbreak of this kind of diseases in Nigeria. This study would also be beneficial to scholars, researchers and students who are willing to develop further studies on the subject matter.


This study is on the impact of the social distancing and the frequent hand washing in reducing the spread of the Corna (COVID-19) virus in Nigeria using Lagos state as a case study


Financial constraint: Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire and interview).

Time constraint: The researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. This consequently will cut down on the time devoted for the research work.


Social Distancing: Social distancing, also called physical distancing, is a set of non-pharmaceutical interventions or measures taken to prevent the spread of a contagious disease by maintaining a physical distance between people and reducing the number of times people come into close contact with each other.

Hand washing: Hand washing, also known as hand hygiene, is the act of cleaning one’s hands to remove soil, grease, microorganisms, or other unwanted substances.

Coronavirus (COVID-19): This is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus.



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