Chapter One of The Impact of Plant Maintenance on Quality Productivity in Nigerian Breweries, Enugu
The Concept of Quality Production
Quality production implies conforming to the required standard of production. This concept is customer focus. This is so because quality productions are targeted at satisfying customer. Quality in this regard is based on standard set through sales feedback of consumers desire (Donald, 2003).
Good manufacturing lead to positive business outcomes and positive business outcomes are always associated with effective manufacturing which focuses on customer satisfaction. Greater manufacturing capabilities in terms of quality production contribute to high level of managerial success. The rational behind this preposition is that executive in firms with high level of manufacturing capabilities in terms of quality production have more options to play with in meeting their overall business goals and objectives. All things being equal, excellent production improves the odd of being managerially successful, which in firm improves the odd of having good economic outcomes (Donald, 2003).
Quality production is the main driver creating value, goals and system to satisfy customer expectations and improve of an organizations performance (Ahire etal,2006). A customer focus keeps the business aware of change taking place in its environment and provides the knowledge needed to change the product. Likewise, bench making is another process in which an organization continuously compares and measure it self against business leaders anywhere in the world to gain information and provide a guideline for rational performance goal (Boone and nikin,2005). As of late, it has been widely accepted that the most valuable resources of within an organization is human resources. As such should be continuously trained and given adequate training and education on prescriptions, method and the concept of quality production, which usually include total quality production management derived from total quality management as well as setting a goal of zero defects which gives much emphasis to costumer focus production aimed at achieving customer satisfaction which enhances customer retention by preventing customer defections (Richman, 2004).
The Fundamental Requirement of Plant and Equipment Maintenance
According to Paula (2006) coordination should be a cooperative attitude between production and maintenance. This is best achieve by a meeting between the maintenance manager and production management, including the foreman level , so what will be done to prevent failures, how this will be accomplished, and what production should expect to gain in uptime may all be explained. The cooperation of the individual machine operators is of prime importance. They are on the support and most able to detect unusual event that may indicate equipment malfunctions. Once an attitude of general cooperation is established coordination should be refined to monthly weekly, daily and possible even hourly schedules. Major shutdowns and holydays should be carefully planned so that any work that required “cold” shutdown can be done during those periods technician will find that they most do this kind of work on weekends and holydays, when other persons are on vacation.