Public Administration Project Topics

The Impact of Managing Rural Development Through Industrialization .study of Awgu Lga Enugu.

The Impact of Managing Rural Development Through Industrialization .study of Awgu Lga Enugu.


The Impact of Managing Rural Development Through Industrialization .study of Awgu Lga Enugu.


Content Structure of The Impact of Managing Rural Development Through Industrialization .study of Awgu Lga Enugu.

  • The abstract contains the research problem, the objectives, methodology, results, and recommendations
  • Chapter one of this thesis or project materials contains the background to the study, the research problem, the research questions, research objectives, research hypotheses, significance of the study, the scope of the study, organization of the study, and the operational definition of terms.
  • Chapter two contains relevant literature on the issue under investigation. The chapter is divided into five parts which are the conceptual review, theoretical review, empirical review, conceptual framework, and gaps in research
  • Chapter three contains the research design, study area, population, sample size and sampling technique, validity, reliability, source of data, operationalization of variables, research models, and data analysis method
  • Chapter four contains the data analysis and the discussion of the findings
  • Chapter five contains the summary of findings, conclusions, recommendations, contributions to knowledge, and recommendations for further studies.
  • References: The references are in APA
  • Questionnaire


Abstract of The Impact of Managing Rural Development Through Industrialization .study of Awgu Lga Enugu.

This research work scrutinized the impact of managing rural development through industrialization rural development management is very important as far as attainment of the development objective is concerned particularly in enhancing the organizational productivity. 


In order to achieve the objectives rural bevellers must be willing to offer their time towards the protection of the development projects, which will help to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the rural people or sellers.

Development in the rural area has to be identified in the said environment to the local government in collaboration with the employers can decides on the development pattern for then and instrument on introduce to sent up the programme so as to ascertain if the programme has achieved the objective of which it was conducted the development plans should also be evaluated.



Title page







1.1             Background of the study

1.2             Statement of the problems

1.3             Objective of the study

1.4             Research question

1.5             Significance of the study

1.6             Scope of the study

1.7             Limitation of the study



Review of related literature

2.1             Historical background of Awgu L.G.A

2.2             Industrialization in Awgu Local government

2.3             Advantages of industrialization

2.4             Problems associated with industrialization in the rural area

2.5             Managing rural industrialization 



3.1             Source of data

3.2             Population of the study

3.3             Determination of the samples size

3.4             Sample technique

3.5             Section and construction of instrument

3.6             Administration of research instrument

3.7             Instrument



Presentation of data

Analysis of data



5.1             Summary of finding

5.2             Recommendation

5.3             Conclusion



Chapter One of  The Impact of Managing Rural Development Through Industrialization .study of Awgu Lga Enugu.


In 1976 a uniform system of local government was introduced according to local government reforms of 1976 the primary motive is to take development direct from the center to the people at the rural areas through the local government hence the same reform (1976:1) describes local government as a tool for rural development some of these motive are the conscious attempt of the federal government to involve people in the management of their rural affairs through which the human and materials resources of the rural dwellers can be effectively mobilized  tapped and into industrialization process.


Since Nigerian started existing as a nation development has been taking place especially in the urban area for the fact that man often craves for what is good it is often that people usually mesh to urban areas where there are provision for the comfort and welfare of man by way social amenities and the infrastructure provision this exodus of people is necessitated by the fact that rural area are often neglected on term of development but those who rush to develop (urban) areas seen to have forgotten that there every needs to develop the rural are because they are bases the beginning and also terminate destination Odenigwe 1879:4) postulated that the rural subsection of the economy is endeavored with abundant natural resource unharnessed  for this to be harnessed  would require integrating rural people in he rural development excise through the provision of small scale industries of different types, he defines industrialization as an integrated process of developing industries that would extract manufacture  or convert raw materials  into finished goods and services industries that means different things to different people and circumstances.


Spie (1968) stated that industrialization  embraces the means by which man control or modifies his natural environment it is that great growing engine of charge industrializing is the major means of people adjusting to environment. It has to do it the techniques and tools with which people utilize the materials resources of their environment to satisfy their various needs and desires, industrialization is of course an application of practical or mechanical science to industries or commerce it is a technical know how scientific idea information body of knowledge materials or goods and services capable of being systematic and sequential in the generation communicable and adoptable to application in a given economic political social and cultural money against this background we conclude that industrialization embraces a body of organized knowledge tools and machine used by man to manipulate his environment to satisfy his needs it is no this platform that the subject matter managing rural development through industrialization was drawn.


In managing rural development the basic role of management is to plan organize direct and control it is our collective views that managers lead other than plan man power rather than direct pattern rather than organize and assess rather than control the effectiveness of management arises from leadership effort towards the simultaneous creation of a co-operative and learning organization to facilitate the implementation process of management practices which when implemented support rural and national development  organization survival and effective authorization of resource for the benefit of mankind.                                            



One man reason for creating local government is to bring development very clod to the people in the rural area however the problems here is that this noble objective is not being put into practice being really actualized there is a problems of technological job our industrialization process is characterized by lack of infrastructure and intensive as human labour obsolete technologies and high dependence on import technologies the consequence of these or grove lass of control decision on what technology to importation level of local initiative indigenous scientific and innovative capacity and perpetuation of cycle of poverty among the rural people.

A number of approaches and programme has been proposal and implemented by the government towards reducing or eradicate technological dependence and other associated issues in rural development some of the programme failed even before the implementation while some have failed to yield the desired result the programme have been based on the transfer of technology from the advance to developing stages these strategies have not work because a of the technology being transferred is not appropriate our environment policies suffer for ineffective implementation principles because it has note in built capacity to address wrong implementation this is our experience on industrializing rural areas.

Failure of local government in Awgu to provide enabling environment to stimulating industrialization process is a source of worries to rural dweller stimulating doubt in the ability on such programme. 



The purpose of the study is investigated how authorities concerned have managed rural development through industrialization process by accessing the number the extent and types of industries the established in Awgu local government.

The study is also to review industrialization process undertaken in the past and present on the local government within a view to see its stability or otherwise. The research is to process some possible ways of solving the problems and through this study made recommendation where necessary and applicable.    



In attempt to diagnose and identify the causes or factors that either hinder to encourage rural development in Awgu local government area the following would serve as research question.

1.       To what extend is rural development Awgu

2.       What are the factors militating against rural development especially in industrial development

3.       Will industrial development be of any important to their area?

4.       Can industrialization promote human and materials development?

5.       What types of industry will you prefer?        



This study is beneficial to the society investor rural dweller and to the researcher the study has expanded our knowledge it has increase our research skill beside the above was conducted in the department of business administration that the study would be of immense important to students who may wish on to conduct a future research on the subject matter it would serve as a efficiencies materials coming on the side of the rural dweller it will help in appreciating the dept of natural resource available in rural setting is develop through industrialization process it will bridge the gap in rural urban migration.

Finally the society as a whole stand to benefit from the study.  The society is drawn from rural setting developing rural setting implies developing the society the implication being that the society standard of living would in prove employment will be generated and investment created means while policy maker through this study would understand why it necessary to promote industrial project they would also understand that the leadership efforts are  needed to pioneer industrialization process.           



The scope of study is the research boundary the scope is on rural development how it can be managed through industrialization process is to identify factors militating the provision of rural infrastructures and enabling environment for business to flourish.



Hardly would a research be conducted without a constraint in a country such a other where a beaurocarcy act as constraint in the flow of information and where there is inaccurate data and statistics there is really have to be problems.



Adequate data have not been gathered about rural industrialization no do we have enough statistics about it.



The rising cost of living has complicated the cost of embarking on a through research work it is too costly to embark through research work.




Most information for public consumptions is some time tagged secret there by restraining our ability to have all the necessary information or data needled to the subject matters. 



Development:  This is level of physical environment social political and economic growth or civilization of the people

Rural area: This connotes the interior or remote parts of the local government, which the central government wants to develop by creating local government.

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