Chapter One Of The Impact of Information Technology on Accounting Practices Case Study of Small and Medium Size Enterprises in Nigeria
Background To The Study
Accounting is the process which records classify and summarize transactions and events of a financial nature and the interpretation of its results ICPA (1953) . It is also referred to as an information system which measure, process and communicates a firms financial information N .con (1978) . The innovation of information technology has greatly enhanced the recording and interpretation of financial information thereby improving accounting systems and economic life. The application of Computers in the accounting process has facilitated rapid processing of accounting information accurately, rapid exchange of documents, research, and office productivity. The term Information Technology (IT) refers to the application of computers and telecommunications equipment to conduct the activities of storage, retrieval, transmiting and manipulating data .The evolution of Information and Technology systems led to the development of Accounting information system which processes reliable financial information needed for decision making. The research therefore seeks to investigate the impact of information technology on accounting practices. Case study small and medium size enterprises
Statement of the Problem
The application of information technology in the accounting process provide for an efficient accounting process which accurately and rapidly process financial information . Accounting is the process which records classify and summarize transactions and events of a financial nature and the interpretation of its results ICPA (1953) . It is also referred to as an information system which measure, process and communicates a firm’s financial information N .con (1978) however numerous deficiencies exist which to be addressed. This includes the problem of security of information in the system; A system which is poorly protected opens the installed program and data to theft or hackers. Consequently such information could be misused and damaged. Another problem as to do with Automation; which facilitates the transfer of data to multiple reports and systems. This implies that an error in the transmitting of information could lead to wrong output of information. Problem of Changing Technology; means that computerized accounting systems may become obsolete over a short period of time. Problem of Training; Many accounting processes cannot be operated without the right skill and this requires training. Consequently there is not often sufficient staff to handle the accounting process involving the application of technology. The problem confronting the research therefore is to determine the impact of information technology on accounting practices case study; small and medium size enterprises
Objectives of the Study
To determine the impact of information technology on accounting practices .A case study of small and medium size enterprises
Research Questions
What is accounting and information technology?
What is the level of impact of information technology on accounting practices in small and medium size enterprises?
Significance of the Study
The study provides an appraisal of the impact of information technology on accounting practices .A case study of small and medium size enterprises
Research Hypothesis
Ho The level of impact of information technology on accounting practices of small and medium size enterprises is low
Hi The level of impact of information technology on accounting practices of small and medium size enterprises is high
Scope of the Study
The study focuses on the appraisal of the level of impact of information technology on accounting practices. A case study of small and medium size enterprises
Limitations of the Study
The study was confronted by some constraints including logistic and geographical factor.
Definition of Terms
Accounting is the process which records classify and summarize transactions and events of a financial nature and the interpretation of its results ICPA (1953) . It is also referred to as an information system which measure, process and communicates a firms financial information N .con (1978) . The innovation of information technology has greatly enhanced accounting.
The term Information Technology (IT) refers to the application of computers and telecommunications equipment to conduct the activities of storage, retrieval, transmiting and manipulating data .The evolution of Information and Technology systems led to the development of Accounting information system which processes reliable financial information needed for decision making.