Sociology Project Topics

The Effects of Drug Abuse on Students Academic Performance in Benue State University, Makurdi

The Effects of Drug Abuse on Students Academic Performance in Benue State University, Makurdi


Chapter One of The Effects of Drug Abuse on Students Academic Performance in Benue State University, Makurdi


Abstract of The Effects of Drug Abuse on Students Academic Performance in Benue State University, Makurdi

The study examines the effects of drug abuse on the academic performance of Benue State University students. With the following specific set objectives: to find out the level of drug abuse among BSU students, to ascertain the types of drugs that are mostly abuse among students of Benue State University, the causes of drug abuse among students of Benue State University, the effect of drug abuse among undergraduate students of Benue State University and possible solutions to the menace of drug abuse among undergraduate students of Benue State University. The theoretical framework adopted was on differential association theory and structural strain theory. The study was a descriptive survey research. Findings from this study revealed that, majority of the respondents believe the level of drug abuse among students of Benue State University is moderate. On the drugs that are mostly abuse by students of Benue State University, the study findings reveals that, majority of the respondents believe that alcohol is the most common type of drug abuse by students of Benue State University. On the causes of drug abuse among students of Benue State University, study results shows that, majority of the respondents believe peer pressure is the cause of drug abuse among students of Benue State University. On the effects of drug abuse among students in Benue State University. The findings revealed that, majority of the respondents believe examination malpractice is the effect of drug abuse among students of Benue State University. On possible solutions to the menace of drug abuse among Undergraduate Students of Benue State University. The result findings indicates that, majority of the respondents believe proper orientation of students can help solve the problem of drug abuse among students of Benue State University. Base on the results of the study, it concludes that, Drugs are a source of medication and treatment for various illness and preventive disease if properly prescribe by medical professionals. But drugs wrongly use without medication prescription

has negative consequences for the academic, social, psychological and physical development of students. Furthermore, the study recommends

that, , there should be proper orientation of students on the dangers


associated with drug abuse.



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