Abstract Of The Effectiveness and Obstructs of Sandcrete and Concrete Block in a Foundation System
It is a clear fact that bricks play a vital role in a foundation system of a building. And also that the strongness and weakness of a building depends solidly on the method(s) employed in moulding the bricks which are used in laying the foundation of a building. This project has a report comprise the effectiveness and obstruct of both concrete and sandcrete blocks. Also the area of application of both the sandcrete and concrete blocks are stated in chapter two of this report. Furthermore, the method, and steps employed in moulding a block is also emphasized. Finally, we students achieved our aims practically by moulding the blocks been used in this practical project personally which is hopeful that in future or job career that this experience will be useful and be a good ambassador of this institution.
Title page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Abstract v
Table of Content vi-viii
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Studies
1.2 Aims and Objectives
1.3 Scope of study
1.4 Observation of the project
1.5 Limitation to the project
2.0 Literature Review
2.1 Concrete
2.2 Cement
2.3 Aggregates
2.4 Water
2.5 Blocks
2.6 Characteristics of block
3.0 Research Methodology
3.1 Site Investigation
3.2 Block Moulding
3.3 Tools used for block making
3.4 Culvert
4.0 Results and Analysis
4.1 Setting out the Building
4.2 Excavation
4.3 Foundation
4.4 Plastering
4.5 Flooring
4.6 Roofing
5.0 Summary, Recommendation and Conclusion
5.1 Summary
5.2 Recommendation
5.3 Conclusion
Chapter One Of The Effectiveness and Obstructs of Sandcrete and Concrete Block in a Foundation System
This project work describes the practical experience of a construction of block moulding with concrete and sandcrete in the department of civil engineering and the faculty of engineering.
This project provides a proven base of knowledge for effective use of theory being taught in the lecture room. A student being denied practical aspect of building, moulding of blocks, construction of culvert e.t.c. will not be relevant or performed brilliantly when called upon to supervise simple project, such student will not be able to defend his/her certificate after his/her educational career.
From the background of Civil Engineering materials, it is known that it has not teen stated that sandcrete block with the mixture of sand and cement or other constituents can also be used as alternative for blocking materials.
According to the research of different soils engineer’s textbooks and from internet. It has not been discovered that sandcrete hollow block can be used as alternates for sandcrete materials. According to Ravindrok and Jackson [civil engineering materials 1990] and various applied researchers are able to mention the materials, which are available for sandcrete materials, such as sand, cement and water.
Depending in the project, sandcrete blocks have became obvious useful in different types of civil engineering work in the past and recent times all sandcrete bricks have similar uses, their properties differ in some respect depending on the materials used and method of manufacture to understand these properties. It is essential that sandcrete blocks are to be used the general prevention of the product and satisfactory behaviour in services is highly important.
The aim and objectives of this project is to have a practical experience on how a block is constructed using the various construction tools.
1. To enlighten the students in the used of different engineering tools for different job.
2. To enlightens the civil engineering student in the used of different
3. To let them known the ratio of each mix for a building construction
work e.g. the ratio of block moldings, plastering and rendering e.t.c
4. To enable the student be able to identify different types of sand and
when they are use for a 0onstrucfiOfl of a building.
5. To improve the standard of the student for better used.
6. To improve standard of learning in the faculty i.e. by building a block industry, store and reservoir for the development of the department.
7. To know the water absorption of different types of block and their
The scope of the study limit on the practical experience of a building with reference to the construction of the department of Civil Engineering Block Industry in the steps taking in the construction, what should be put in place tools to be used, material which is require, quantity of material to be used as well on the price and cost of each material used throughout the project work.
Our observation mostly, during this study and project is that the project has given to manly investigation research and different means of collecting data on the site, textbook, Internet and other ways of collecting data. It also helped us to have knowledge and understanding on the topic
These are the factors that make the execution of this project delayed, namely:
- Time aspect
- Financial problem
- Mechanical problem
- Misunderstanding among the student
- Poor arrangement for commencement of the project