Accounting Project Topics

The Effect of ATM Technology in Nigeria Banking Industry

The Effect of ATM Technology in Nigeria Banking Industry


The Effect of ATM Technology in Nigeria Banking Industry

Content Structure of The Effect of ATM Technology in Nigeria Banking Industry

  • The abstract contains the research problem, the objectives, methodology, results, and recommendations
  • Chapter one of this thesis or project materials contains the background to the study, the research problem, the research questions, research objectives, research hypotheses, significance of the study, the scope of the study, organization of the study, and the operational definition of terms.
  • Chapter two contains relevant literature on the issue under investigation. The chapter is divided into five parts which are the conceptual review, theoretical review, empirical review, conceptual framework, and gaps in research
  • Chapter three contains the research design, study area, population, sample size and sampling technique, validity, reliability, source of data, operationalization of variables, research models, and data analysis method
  • Chapter four contains the data analysis and the discussion of the findings
  • Chapter five contains the summary of findings, conclusions, recommendations, contributions to knowledge, and recommendations for further studies.
  • References: The references are in APA
  • Questionnaire.



Chapter One of The Effect of ATM Technology in Nigeria Banking Industry


Globalization is a Universal phenomenon. Globalization has brought a lot of changes to financial industries in the global community and there is an increase in profit on economy through Information Technology (IT)


There is no doubt; the introduction of Automated Teller Machine (ATM) has changed the face of electron payment in Nigeria.

“An Automated Teller Machine (ATM) is a computerized telecommunication device that provides the clients of any financial institution an access to any financial in a public space without the need for a cashier of human clerk”

(WIKIPEDIA, THE FREE ENCYLOPEDIA). It is also called machine.

In the last ten years, Banks in developed countries have been investing more and more on Information Technology (IT) as a means to reduce costs and improve operation efficiency. An investigation of the application of Information Technology in Nigeria Banks was carried out in order to determine the expectations and success of Information Technology implementations in the sector.

The data were generated from a survey of randomly selected branches of Skye Banks in Lagos, the commercial capital of Nigeria. Almost all the Banks had an information Nigeria policy, the main thrust of which technology policy, the main thrust of which were to achieve full application goals to secure competitive advantages and to be up to take. Only 565.6% of them actually achieved some measure of successful implementation. The expected benefit of investment in IT were realized in only a relatively few number of Banks.

The consequence was that, less than 40% of the Banks were poised to maximize the benefit of IT through major investment especially in the areas of online access and transactions electronic commercial and electronic publishing. It is estimated that at least 60% of the branches of the, Banks are spending less than $150.000 annually on Information Technology (IT).

In the light of these, Banks in the country are now adopting teller service Technology that is Automated Teller Machine (ATM) because it is cost effective in the long run system in Nigeria.

In the past few years, Nigeria Banks and the financial service industry in particular here embraced the concept of e-money. Changes have begins to take place in the Nigeria financial land scope and customer are increasing .raising the hope of expectations for quality customers service customer is identified by inserting a plastic ATM card with a magnetic stripe on a plastic smart card with a chip that contains a Unique code number and some security information such as an expiration or CVVC. Also, Authentication is provided by the customer entering a Personal Identification Number (PIN).


Poor’ Automated Teller Machine (ATM) technology is what customers of banks are now facing in Nigeria Banking Industry. Less than two years after banks customers have welcome ATM, the assistance is gradually changing, into another extravagant display of frustration. And the problem of cash/card retreat is no more a mere saying. However, usage of Personal Identification Number Code (PIN Code) by other people is the contra statement of the problem identified for this project work. As these could help to reduce the risk bank/customer might fall into. The research project is thus poised, to examine the possible role of which A TM could play on Nigeria banks especially as a lot of frauds are associated with A TM technology nowadays.


The primary objectives of this study are to seek/entitled “Effects of ATM technology on Nigeria banking industries”.

v    To examine the importance of ATM on Nigeria citizen in banking industry, Stockage of cards on the machine, efficiency and effectiveness of A TM on banking, customer and also the management


To ATM is curse or blessing to banking industry?

 How long does it takes you to complete withdraw process make on A TM?

 Is ATM save and reliable?

 Can money be withdrawn at any time on ATM?

 How fast can PIN CODE be retrieve when forgotten?

 Do A TM technology reduce the length of’ queuing in banking hall?

 How many time can one use ATM card pet day?


The null and alternative hypothesis to be adopted for this research endeavor would as follows:

  1. Ho: ATM technology is not necessary to the survival of banking industry

Hi: ATM technology is necessary to the survival of banking industry

  1. Ho: ATM technology is not the alternative to reduce queues that characterize the country’s banking hall

Hi: ATM technology is the alternative to reduce queues that characterize the country’s banking hall.

  1. Ho: ATM has not improve bank service effectiveness.

Hi: ATM has improved bank service effectiveness.


The study upon competitive would be useful in a variety of ways.

First and foremost, it would help to contribute to the body of knowledge in this area of academic endeavor, as student, scholars and other researchers may benefit in inversely from the outcome of this researchers may benefit from the outcome of this research, also be useful to all Nigerians and banking/financial organization so as to prong the efficiency and effectiveness in other to gain competitive advantages and to be able to meet the organizational goals and objectives.


In the course of conducting this research work it is expected that the following will constitute impediments to the effective conduct of the study

Access to Data: inability to access relevant information is a foreseen challenge to the success of this research.  

Time Constraint: this study would have choose to cover a larger scope to consider the whole commercial banks in Nigeria.

 High cost of running a large area: Also the financial implication of covering the entire nation could be a predicament to the success of this research.

Nevertheless, I believe the above limitations will in no way affect the reliability and validity of the research study.


The scope of this efforts circumstances and the case study venue, which SKYE BANK PLC, the role is play at ensuring the survival of the bank till date shall be the main scope of this research project.


ATM: Automated Teller Machine

Abridge: To shorten the long story

Case of Study: A detailed account of development of a situation over a period of time

This is to bring into existence and produce a result

Effectiveness: Doing the right thing at the right time

Efficiency: Doing the right thing at the right time with a minimum

Organization: A group of people who from a business e.g., club in order to achieve a particular aim

Pin- Code: Secret number given to owner of the bank account

Relentless: It cannot be rely on  

Survival: The state of containing to live or existing often in spite of difficulties or danger

Skye Bank: Bank that has no limitation “until we reach sky”

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