Education Project Topics

The Attitude of Parents Towards the Education of Female Students in Egor Local Government Area of Edo State

The Attitude of Parents Towards the Education of Female Students in Egor Local Government Area of Edo State


Abstract Of The Attitude of Parents Towards the Education of Female Students in Egor Local Government Area of Edo State

The study was conducted to investigate on the attitude of parents towards the education of female students in Egor Local Government Area of Edo State. During the study, data were collected from parents and it was detected that majority of the respondents had negative view of female education while only few had a positive attitude to female education.

The researcher thereby stressed the importance of female education, helping them to know that educating female children will enable them be a good housewife, good mother and a good citizen. Education will also help females to secure a professional occupation that will enable them contribute to the development of the society at large. The conclusion drawn was that parents should ward off the negative attitude in female education such as the view that โ€œfemale education ends in the kitchenโ€ rather they should cultivate the right attitude that educating female will lead to societal and national development which will enhance the standard of living of the people.

Conclusively therefore, it was recommended that equal educational opportunities should be given to both male and female children.



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