Law Project Topics

Terrorism and Its Implications on Food Security in the 21st Century (North Eastern Nigeria as a Case Study)

The Roles of International Agencies in Environmental Security and Health Awareness in the Niger Delta (2010-2019)


Abstract of Terrorism and Its Implications on Food Security in the 21st Century (North Eastern Nigeria as a Case Study)

This research examined terrorism and its implications on food security in north east Nigeria.

The study adopted qualitative method and historical/analytical design was used in analyzing its data. Data were collected through secondary sources which include newspapers, archives, books, conference proceedings, etc.

The findings revealed that; an increase in exposure to the Boko Haram insurgency negatively affects food security conditions for Nigerian households. Boko Haram insurgency resulted in households having to rely on less preferred foods, limit the variety of foods eaten and limit the portion size of meals consumed. The insurgency did not result in households having to skip a whole day without food.

The study concluded that; Food insecurity is both a cause and a consequence of violence, contributing to a vicious cycle or “conflict trap”. International food assistance plays an important role both during conflicts and in the post-conflict recovery period. Food plays a critical – but often underemphasized –role in these processes. The study recommends that; It is expected that the state government and other stakeholders including non-governmental organization should provide opportunity for the young unemployed youth to be engaged in meaningful work;. Governments should, as a short time-measure, demand and distribute food from the national reserve in order to reduce the hardship being experienced by the people.




Background to the Study

All over the world, food security requires appropriate agricultural management and utilization of natural resources and eco-systems, as well as good governance and sustainable political systems Tappis, Doocy, Paul & Funna, (2013). Food security is directly affected by climate change effects that lead to worry in global livelihoods. Clarke (2010) stated that adequate provision and distribution of food can be more essential than food production itself because it actually became a military strategy to starve off certain armed groups and civilian supporters. More commonly, the flow of staple food was inadequately interrupted as a result of the conflict which usually results into roads closed and increased the cost of transportation, making it extremely difficult to reach rural areas.

Many developing nations experience food and water insecurity on a higher scale than developed nations because of irresponsible or malicious government policies, conflicts that can results in war, effects of climate change, and rising food prices Attah, (2012). For instance, the war in Afghanistan has left many rural Afghans without access to food because war usually lead to increase in prices of staple food. D’Souza and Jolliffe (2013) stated that the reason why some provinces are experiencing declines in food security in Africa is violence and terrorism. During the 1990s, civil conflict made it extremely difficult to grow and distribute enough food to feed everyone in Afghanistan Henk-Jan & Hendrix, (2011). In Somalia, there are many long-standing concerns about the link between extreme food security crises and stability, security and other political imperatives. The food insecurity may have been the cause of the severity of the crisis and the extent of human suffering, but the food insecurity was in many ways characteristic of the kinds of crises likely to be experienced in the future Pangaribowo, Gerber & torero, (2013).

In Nigeria, for instance people living  in  rural  areas  are  the  most  exposed  to  food  insecurity,  owing  to  limited  access  to  food  and  financial  resources  since rural farmers are comprises of small scale farmers, landless farmers and some pastoral farmers who have limited or no access new technology or access to storage and processing facilities FAO (2015); Awodola & Agyeno, (2014). However, food security have undergone a rapid transformation in recent years with significant implications for people’s diets, because number of factors such as globalization, expanding food trade,  technological  innovations,  longer  food  supply and processing  chains, and volatile  prices of  food commodities come into play Adepoju, (2011). There is also concern about increasing deforestation, as well as the prospects for bio-fuel production to displace land allocated for food crops. Furthermore, trade smooth’s out local production insecurity, which is expected to increase in times of weather extremes caused by climate change. However, trade can be a two-edged sword, which can also result in worsening certain producer’s situations in case products from other producers reach the markets with lower costs Adelaja, Justin, Takashi M. & Eva, (2019).

Terrorism is not a new phenomenon in world history in that it has existed in every age for several centuries. Historically, the following examples of important terrorist groups can be identified: Baader Mainhof gang of West Germany, the Japanese Red Army, the Italian Red Brigade, the Palestinian al Fatah, Israeli Haganah, Lebanese Hezbollah, Osama bin Laden‘s Al-Qaeda, Khmer Rouge of Cambodia, the Viet Cong in Vietnam, Somalian al Shabaab, Al-Qaeda in the Maghreb (AQIM) and lot more Garrison, (2013). Terrorism in the world at large has risen to a sublime and the global community in a bid to stave-off this act which has constituted a threat to global peace and stability unanimously agreed to counter terrorism in all its forms and to also bring its perpetrators to justice Kolberston, (2017). The effects of terrorism range from short, medium and even long term. The economic effects of terrorism are enormous and they erode the savings of the state, divert some money designed for other projects to fighting terrorism and rebuilding of infrastructure as well as relief services Waugh, (2010).

The effects of terrorism are contagious in Africa where there is interconnection of activities including food security and trade routes. Terrorism is a threat and is like an aching tooth which needs to be rooted out but has no immediate remedy Siebet, (2010). The magnitude of destruction, loss of life, injuries and disabilities have all made human kind fail to find comfort in their governments as citizens are left vulnerable to indiscriminate attacks of terrorists. While death, injuries and capital destruction are the most visible effects of terrorist attacks, fear, violence, uncertainty and indirect effects of terror are harmful to the economy in the long term Abdalla, (2012).

Terrorism is an insidious act common and conducted daily over decades and has been responsible for the physical and or structural violence experienced by many people in Nigeria Adagba, ugwu & Eme, (2012). The increase in the circulation, use and transfer of sophisticated weaponry and the consequences for violence, increased mass casualties and perennial violence in Nigeria, this past years have spirited scholarly efforts towards identifying the underlying causes, proffering solutions and curtailing futuristic tendencies of terrorism in Africa- particularly Nigeria Adamu, (2015).  Adeola & Oluyemi (2012) concluded that terrorism has negatively affected collective state effort in maintaining international peace and security especially the period between 2000 and 2010.

Generally, the activities of terrorists have been evident in many countries especially in Nigeria. It presents  the  most  serious  threat  to  human  life  and  liberty, it’s operations  are  designed  to  create  a  sense  of  insecurity among the public, to show the inability to contain terrorism, and to promote the ideology of the terrorists. It can also destroy communities and destabilizes entire regions of attack, with the use of one-sided violent approach against civilians to fight a state or group of people with uneven violent confrontation which requires effective countering strategies Aniceto & Clive, (2013). However, counterterrorism forces have expanded its network with the perceived growing threat of terrorism in the late 20th century Shaffer, (2015).

North East Nigeria is responsible for massive production of varieties of food crops and the region has contributed to food security since Nigeria’s independence, this trend has been threatened by terrorist activities in the last decade, this has made it necessary to carry out the current research by examining the implications of terrorism on food security in the 21st century with focus on North Eastern Nigeria.

Statement of the Problem

Many conflict and civil war has evolved in Nigeria which has threatened food security Hassan, (2014). The underlying cause of the instability seen in that North East region of Nigeria today is as a result of terrorism which has lead to limited accessibility to food, water and other resources. Concerns about access to food during and after the attacks of terrorist are of great concern in Nigeria. North East Nigeria generally have large agricultural sectors but may lack the infrastructure or government institutions to supply all of its citizens with adequate food Koubi, (2012). Fighting closed roads and increased cost of transportation, makes it extremely difficult to reach rural areas. The displaced farmers in the areas of attacks found themselves relying on locally produced food to survive rather than their own harvests thus affecting food availability and accessibility. These are massive problems that gave rise to food insecurity in such areas Oni & Fasogbon, (2013). Several studies has be carried out on terrorism and its implication on food security in the 21st century with focus on North Eastern Nigeria but there is no recent study on the subject, hence, the current study will build on the existing studies and analyze the current issues on the subject.

Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this study is to analyze the implications of terrorism on food security in the 21st century with the focus on North Eastern Nigeria.

The specific objectives are to:

  1. examine the effect of terrorism on food availability in North Eastern Nigeria.
  2. analyze the effect of terrorism on food production in North Eastern Nigeria.
  3. investigate how terrorism has affected food production activities in North Eastern Nigeria.

 Research Questions

Following the objectives, the following research questions are raised to solve the research problems:

  1. What is the effect of terrorism on food availability in North Eastern Nigeria?
  2. What is the effect of terrorism on food production in North Eastern Nigeria?
  3. How has terrorism affected food production activities in North Eastern Nigeria?

 Significance of the Study

The following are the significance of this study:

The outcome of this study will enlighten government, policy makers, security agencies, stakeholders in food production and the general public on terrorism and its implication on food security in North Eastern Nigeria.

The findings from this study will constitute a basis for future research and also contribute to the body of knowledge since it will be used as literature. Outcome of this study will also be a guide for policy formulation both at national and state level that will enhance food security.

 Scope of the Study

This study will cover terrorism and its implication on food security in the 21st century. It will also focus on entire North Eastern Nigeria. It will also cover issues spanning 2015 to 2019.

Operational Definition of Terms

Terrorismis the use of intentionally indiscriminate violence as a means to create terror among masses of people or fear to achieve a religious or political aim.

Implication: this is the conclusion that can be drawn from something although it is not explicitly stated.

Food security: is the state of having reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food.

21st Century: is the current century of the Anno Domini era or the Common Era, in accordance with the Gregorian calendar. It is the first century of the 3rd millennium. It is distinct from the century known as the 20th century; it began on January 1, 2000 and will end on December 31, 2099.



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