English Education Project Topics

Teaching Methods and students performance in English Language

Teaching Methods and students performance in English Language


Teaching Methods and students performance in English Language



This chapter presents the summary of the findings as well as the conclusions of this study. It also presents the recommendations of this study and its contribution to the body of knowledge.

5.1 Summary of the findings

This study investigated the influence of a teacher on students’ performance in English language in JSS in South-West, Oyo in Nigeria. This was based on teachers’ level of academic qualification, attitude, and teaching methods of teachers


With regard to the first objective on the extent to which teachers’ level of academic qualifications influence students’ performance in English language in JSS in South-West, Oyo in Nigeria, it was observed from the findings that teachers’ academic qualification positively affected the students’ performance in English language in public secondary schools which was measured in terms of teachers’ academic qualification and area of specialization. According to the findings, 17(63%) of the teacher respondents had degrees, 8(30%) had diplomas while only 2(7%) had advanced degrees. In addition to this, 19(70%) of the teacher respondents were specializing in English Literature, 5(19%) had specialized in English while only 3(11%) had specialized in Literature.

In respect to the second objective, teachers’ comfort ability in handling their teaching subjects in JSS in South-West, Oyo in Nigeria, the study established that 15(55%) of the teacher respondents were comfortable with teaching Literature, 11(41%) were more at ease with handling English Language while only 1(4%) was not contented with handling any of the subjects which Were being investigated. 17(63%) of the teacher respondents also considered changing their profession while 10(37%) of the teacher respondents had never considered changing their profession. Teachers who were willing to change profession cited low pay and very large work load while those who had not considered changing their profession said they had interest in teaching especially English Language.

To examine the level at which workload influence the performance of English in JSS in South-West, Oyo in Nigeria, 11(41%) agreed that their schools had adequate staffing. However, 16(59%) of the teacher respondents believed that there was high student-teacher ratio due to inadequate staffing in their schools. 18(67%) of the teacher respondents also indicated that they had other additional responsibilities of whom 8(44%) agreed that these additional responsibilities affected the performance of English in public secondary schools to a very large extent. Similarly, 26(96%) of the teacher respondents indicated that theyt were giving extra work to their learners to cover the syllabus, for practice and for evaluation purposes. Only 1(4%) of the respondents indicated that they were not giving extra work to their students.

With regards to the fourth objective on the professional advancement, it was indicated by 11(41%) of the teacher respondents had an experience of between 1-3 years, 8(30%) of the respondents had 4-6 years experience, 6(22%)) of the respondents had 7-9 years experience while only 2(7%) had over 9 years of experience. In addition to this 19(70%) of the teacher respondents had also attended other courses in management and computer to enhance their record keeping skills and overall class management.

5.2 Conclusion

This study concluded that teaching methods the students’ performance in English Language in JSS in South-West, Oyo in Nigeria. The study concluded that professional qualification, terms of employment and area of specialization of the teachers ninfluenced the performance in English. Lower professional qualification made the teachers to less competent in tackling subject content. Teachers were motivated in discharging their professional duties depending on their terms of employment. teachers were underpaid and hence were less productive as compared to the T.S.C. employed teachers.

Similarly, the study concluded that the attitude of the teacher played an important role in students’ performance in English. Attitude depended on the type of school one taught in, the general performance of the class and teachers urge to change the profession. While some teachers preferred teaching in a girl school, others preferred boys’ schools and even others favored mixed schools. Each category of teachers had their own reasons which would in turn affect their performance in teaching and hence directly affecting the students’ performance in English. General performance of class in English could either pake the teacher motivated to put in more effort or discouraged them hence affecting performance accordingly. The urge of some teacher to change their profession to other fields made them not to settle down and do their best while teaching. The end result was poor performance in English among students.

The study also concluded that teachers’ workload influenced students’ performance in English. Extra responsibilities assigned to the teacher, number of teachers, students’ enrollment were some of the aspects that played an important role in determining the outcome of students’ performance in English. More responsibilities assigned to the teacher inhibited his or her performance in teaching as there was no adequate time to prepare for the lessons and hence lowering productivity. Shortage of teachers of English meant the few who were available being overworked hence making them less productive. High student enrollment in most schools strained the meager human and physical resources (teachers, textbooks, classrooms and writing materials). This could not allow good performance in English to be posted.

Teachers’ professional advancement also played an important part in determining students’ performance in English language. Attendance of external workshops and seminars in English and other courses for professional advancement equipped the teacher with necessary current knowledge and skills that would make him or her better teacher.

5.3 Recommendations

In order to improve the performance of students in English language JSS in South-West, Oyo in Nigeria, it was recommended that the bottlenecks that caused the poor performance were addressed. The bottlenecks included: low attitude among teachers of English, over enrolment, lack of adequate preparation among teachers of English, lack of exposure, shortage of relevant teaching/leaming materials and interference from other responsibilities. The following recommendations were made:

1) The school management to ensure that teachers of English prepared adequately for the lessons by preparing necessary documents such as lesson plans.

2) The government would as well introduce some incentives in schools like presidential award, scholarships to reward both students and teachers who put in more efforts to improve the performance in the English language.

3) Schools would as well be forced to admit the number of students that consume rate with the number of teaching and learning material available.

4) Government and other humanitarian agencies would always organize to rehabilitate the teaching and learning infrastructure so that smooth learning and teaching was maintained.

5) School management would ensure its teachers attend workshops, seminars and other courses in order to equip themselves with new ideas and attain promotions.



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