Adult Education Project Topics

Students Perception of Adult Education as an Academic Discipline

Students Perception of Adult Education as an Academic Discipline


Students Perception of Adult Education as an Academic Discipline (a Case Study of University of Maiduguri)




It emerged from this study that family influences career choices among students in Nigeria. The study revealed that both mothers and fathers influence their children in their choice of careers. The study also revealed that parents can create career interests in their children. It also emerged from this study that parental influence comes in different forms such as parental actions, parental values and beliefs, parental connectedness and expectations. The current study further showed that the level of parental education has a positive influence on children’s choices of careers. Mothers and fathers’ careers also had an impact on their children’s choices of careers. It also emerged from this study that family businesses had no influence on students’ choices of careers.

The present study revealed that schools influence career choices among students. Career guidance lessons students receive from career guidance teachers have a bearing on students’ choices of careers. It emerged from the current study that class teachers and former students also play a pivotal role in students’ choices of careers. The study also revealed that the geographical location of the school plays a significant role in students’ choices of careers 


It emerged from the current study that gender does not influence career choices among students. Both male and female students compete for the same careers. There is no difference between the subjects done by girls and by boys that lead them to the choice of different careers. It also emerged from the current study that both male and female role models influence students in their choices of careers. 


The essence of the study was to establish factors that influence the choice of Adult Education among students in Nigeria. As reflected by the findings of the study, it can be concluded that the family has a significant role in influencing students on studying Adult Education. Parental education and careers, parental encouragement and advice are critical in students’ choices of careers.  

 It can also be concluded that schools play a pivotal role in students’ choices of careers. Career guidance, career guidance teachers, class teachers, the subjects students do at school and the location of the school were found to influence students’ choices of careers.

It can also be concluded that gender has no influence in students’ choices of careers. The findings of the study revealed that both male and female students were interested in the same careers and are equally competent in the subjects they do at school. Both male and female role models are influential in students’ choices of careers. 

The study further concluded that peers have a significant role in students’ choices of careers. Peer advice and encouragement, as reflected by the study, are important in students’ choices of careers. 

The subsequent section presents the contribution of the study.


Based on the findings of the study on factors influencing the career choices of students, the following recommendations, from both the literature review and the findings from the empirical study, are made: 

Policy and legislation

There is a need to review the career guidance curriculum to consider factors that influence students’ choices of careers. There should be a paradigm shift from the career guidance teacher as the sole provider of career guidance in schools. It is therefore recommended that clear policy on who should teach career guidance and the actual provision of career guidance in schools be put in place.  The policy would cover aspect such as:

  1. mandatory training of career guidance teachers,
  2. introducing a compulsory module in teachers training colleges that will assist teachers to effectively guide students towards their careers,
  3. parental involvement in guiding students towards their careers,
  4. consultation with students, parents and industry when designing career guidance syllabus,
  5. availing resources, both financial and material, to enable the schools to implement career guidance activities in schools.


Career guidance activities, including field trips which are critical in marrying theory to practice, need to be planned prior to the opening of schools. If field trips are poorly organised, they will not benefit the students.  It is therefore recommended that field trips be part of career guidance activities and be planned well in advance for them to be effective.

School career guidance teachers’ training 

It is recommended that career guidance teachers be trained to equip them with necessary skills that enhance teaching in the classroom. Teachers’ colleges and universities should comprehensively train their students in career guidance to enable them to be competent when engaging their students in career guidance activities. It is further recommended that staff development of career guidance teachers be prioritised to enhance competitiveness of teachers when executing their duties as career guidance practitioners.

Training of parents’ career guidance skills

Since parental involvement is inevitable, the current study recommends that parents be trained in career guidance. Special community programmes, initiated by the schools, may be organised to help parents guide their children. Universities and other institutions of tertiary learning may introduce short courses on career guidance. The Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education may prepare literature on career guidance on pamphlets that would be distributed to parents.

Training of peers

It is important that peers receive training in career guidance. Peer training may be done in schools. As students receive career guidance in schools, activities such as peer training may be introduced where students are trained to help fellow students in career guidance. Such initiatives may include career guidance and field trip organisation. Libraries should be equipped with literature that helps learners to gain insight in career guidance.

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