Chapter One of Social Media Use and the Patterns of Parent-teen Interactions
Abstract of Social Media Use and the Patterns of Parent-teen Interactions
The study examines social media use and the patterns of parent-teen interactions.
Survey method was adopted for this research as it is seen to be very successful and effective for this study because it used detailed questionnaire to find out the attitude and opinions of the respondents. A purposive non-probability sampling technique was used for this study. Questionnaire was used for data collection. This is because it helps in getting relevant data to the social media use and pattern of parent-teen interaction. The copies of the questionnaire were administered by the researcher to the respondents, Babcock High School (Teenagers and Parents). Scientific analysis for the quantitative data was done using Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) to process the data that was collected from the survey.
The results showed that; teenagers spend 1-2hrs daily on social media; teenagers use the social in interacting with their family and friends; teenagers actually use the social media to interact with their parents; parents spend 5-6hrs on the social media; parents make use of the social media for interaction with friends and families; Parents spend five times a week in interacting with their teenagers.