Computer Science Education Project Topics

Self Efficacy and Information Seeking Behaviour of Students of Selected Universities in Nigeria

Self Efficacy and Information Seeking Behaviour of Students of Selected Universities in Nigeria


Introduction Of Self Efficacy and Information Seeking Behaviour of Students of Selected Universities in Nigeria

Information is an important tool used in the realization of any objective or goal of the
library. Information is an important factor in any library because they are needed by users. Every library user needs information of increasing variety and diversity of levels, frequencies, volumes and with ease. Therefore, information need stems from a vague awareness of something missing and as culminating in locating information that contributes to understanding and meaning Library patrons seek information because they need information resources to survive in all sectors of life (Ajiboye and Tella, 2007, Fiankor and Adams, 2004, Fatima and Ahmad (2008)).

The information need (or need for information) is a factual situation in which, there exists an inseparable interconnection with “information” and “need”, information needs can therefore be said to be the amount of positive information an individual or group of users need to have for their work, recreation and many other like satisfaction. Thus, information need arise wherever individuals find themselves in a situation requiring knowledge to deal with the situation as they see fit. In other words, lack of information needed to accomplish a task results in information need which several authors have variously described and explained ((Singh and Satija, 2006; Fiankor and Adams, 2004;
Adeniyi, 2007).

Information needs are diverse and constantly changing and not amenable to generalization.
Information needs can be social, economical, political, cultural or educational




Information seeking behaviour is a broad term, which involves a set of actions that
an individual, such as undergraduates, takes to express information needs, seek information,evaluate and select information and finally uses this information to satisfy his/her information needs (Fatima and Ahmad, 2008). It is therefore described as an individual’s way and manner of gathering and obtaining information for personal use, knowledge, updating and development. In other words, information seeking behaviour involves active or purposeful information as a result of the need to complete course assignment, prepare for class discussions, seminars, workshops, conferences, or write final year research paper. Though, Singh and Satija (2006) see information seeking behavior as a human process that requires adaptive and reflective control over the afferent and efferent actions of the information seeker in which information seeking behaviour results from the recognition of some needs, perceived by the user, who as a consequence makes demand upon a
formal system such as libraries and information centres or some other person in order to satisfy the perceived information need. Thus, they pointed out that information seeking behaviour essentially refers to locate discrete knowledge elements concerned with the three basic resources namely, people, information and system.
Information seeking behaviour is an area of dynamic interest among librarians, information scientist, communication scientists, sociologist, and psychologists. Information seeking behaviour is expressed in various forms, from reading printed material to research and experimentation (Bhatti, 2010). Information users make active and intentional attempts to seek up to date information from the library resources, including, electronic sources. It is worthy to also note that the advent of information technology has revolutionized the field of library and information services and has brought about considerable changes in the information seeking behaviour of users.

Though there seems to exist many reasons and sources of information to the information user, the university library occupies a central position in the information seeking process of undergraduate students in Nigerian universities.


The problem confronting this research is to appraise the self  efficacy and information seeking behavior of students of selected universities in Nigeria


  1. What is self efficacy and nature of information of students?

2          What is the information seeking behavior of students?
3          What is the self efficacy and information seeking behavior of students  of     selected universities in Ogun State?


  1. To determine the significance of information  to university students
  2. To appraise the self efficacy  and information seeking behavior of students  of selected Universities In Ogun State.


1.         The study shall provide an analysis of the self efficacy and information seeking behavior of students of selected Universities in Ogun State
2.         It shall provide a reference source of information for students and the public.


1          H0        Information is not significant to University Students In Ogun State
H1        Information is significant to University Students In Ogun State
2          H0        The level of information available to University Student In Ogun State is                                low
H1        The level of information available to University Student In Ogun State is                                high
3          H0    The self efficacy and information seeking behavior of selected University           Students In Ogun State is  low
Hi        The  self efficacy and information seeking  behavior of selected University                       Students In Ogun State  is high


               The study is focused on the self efficacy and information seeking behavior of students of selected Universities In Ogun State


Information seeking behaviour is a broad term, which involves a set of actions that an individual, such as undergraduates, takes to express information needs, seek information, evaluate and select information and finally uses this information to satisfy his/her information needs (Fatima and Ahmad, 2008).



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