Teenage pregnancy, which is harmful to both the mother and the child’s health, is a widespread public health issue across the globe. It is one of the most important challenges affecting women’s reproductive health, not just in impoverished nations but also in wealthy nations (Kann, et al. 2015). According to a growing body of evidence, early childbearing has a variety of effects on mother’s health, child health, and societal well-being.
A fundamental concern for the pregnant teen relates to her own body, and the degree of both physical and emotional growth reached through the pubertal period. The inadequate development of the vaginal tract and the musculoskeletal system of pregnant teenagers predispose them to poor overall obstetrical outcomes. There are high incidents of spontaneous abortion, premature delivery and low birth weight in adolescent females as compared to older women aged 20-29 (Perez-Lopez Faustino, Chedraui, et al. 2011). Furthermore, problems with pregnancy lead to twice as many deaths in teens compared to adult women. In addition to the increased maternal death rates, pregnancy can create great psychological stress on adolescents, particularly with unplanned pregnancies (Kann, et al. 2015). The accompanying psychological and emotional stresses are economic responsibility, modification in lifestyle and changes in family dynamic. Due to negative medical and social consequences, it is vital to undertake initiatives to prevent teenage pregnancies. Identification of the risk variables that influence the prevalence of adolescent pregnancies is the premise on which effective preventive strategies should be established. Adolescents, according to research, need assistance in developing skills and understanding for healthy sexual development and behavior (Kann, et al. 2015). Sex education is a key component in improving adolescent sexual health outcomes. Adolescent sexual health programs that use a comprehensive, positive approach have been shown to be helpful.
A fundamental concern for the pregnant teen relates to her own body, and the degree of both physical and emotional growth reached through the pubertal period. The inadequate development of the vaginal tract and the musculoskeletal system of pregnant teenagers predispose them to poor overall obstetrical outcomes. There are high incidents of spontaneous abortion, premature delivery and low birth weight in adolescent females as compared to older women aged 20-29 (Perez-Lopez Faustino, Chedraui, et al. 2011). Furthermore, problems of pregnancy lead to twice as many deaths in teens compared to adult women. In addition to the increased maternal death rates, pregnancy can create great psychological stress on adolescents, particularly with unplanned pregnancies. The accompanying psychological and emotional stresses are economic responsibility, modification in lifestyle and changes in family dynamic. Due to negative medical and social consequences, it is vital to undertake initiatives to avoid teenage pregnancies. Identification of the risk variables that influence the prevalence of adolescent pregnancies is the premise on which effective preventive strategies should be established. As can be seen from previous analysis, teenage pregnancy is not healthy and can be detrimental to ones’ health.
This study seeks to investigate the promotion of positive adolescent sexual health and preventing teenage pregnancy in Asaba, Delta state.
The primary objective of this study is to
1. To determine whether there are programs educating adolescents on sexual health in schools in Asaba, Delta state.
2. To determine the effects of these programs in preventing teenage pregnancy in Asaba, Delta state.
3. To proffer solutions to ensure that sexual health programs are put in place in schools in Asaba, Delta state.
The following questions guide this study:
1. Are there programs educating adolescents on sexual health in schools in Asaba, Delta state?
2. What are the effects of these programs in preventing teenage pregnancy in Asaba, Delta state?
3. What solutions can be put in place to ensure that sexual health programs are put in place in schools in Asaba, Delta state?
This study will be helpful in Asaba, Delta state as it would be an avenue to create awareness on the essence of promoting positive sexual health and ensuring female teenagers become knowledgeable on the effects of teenage pregnancy. It will also be helpful to other researchers who want to broaden the scope of this research and take a different angle from a different state.
This study will only cover the promotion of positive adolescent sexual health and the prevention of teenage pregnancy in Asaba, Delta state. It will also investigate if at all there are any programs already existing on adolescent sexual health in Asaba, Delta state. It will also look at how effective these programs have been if at all they exist and possible solutions that can ensure sexual health programs are put in place. Some selected secondary schools in Asaba serve as enrolled participants for this study.
During the course of this study, the only limitation faced by the researcher was insufficient time.
ADOLESCENT: A young individual, usually between the teen age who undergoes changes both physically and mentally.
SEXUAL HEALTH: is a state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being related to sexuality.
PREGNANCY: Pregnancy is the term used to describe the period in which a fetus develops inside a woman’s womb or uterus.
TEENAGE PREGNANCY: Teenage pregnancy is when a woman under 20 gets pregnant. It usually refers to teens between the ages of 15-19.