Chapter One of Production and Chemical Quality Assessment of Aspirin
Abstract of Production and Chemical Quality Assessment of Aspirin
The question on whether aspirin has any important role to play or not has generated a lot of controversies over years especially among the individuals that fakes the drug, and the pharmaceutical industries that produces it. This question that seemed to be half way answered gave rise to carrying out of this study.
This work is in such a way as to help the readers understand the role of aspirin in human health and the chemical component of the drug in reaction. It also deals extensively with the definition and background of study, the statement of some problems, the aims and objectives, the limitation and hypothesis.
And for the work to be neatly done, there are some books we searched so as to gather more information as is stated in the literature review. It also deals with the uses or importance of the drug, the side eff3ects, and the solution to the problems and the definition of some terms. The result of the work is also analysed and the conclusion was drawn. It is also finally recommended to everybody that has the need to take it and some references were also done.