Table of Contents Of Problem Associated With Small Scale Poultry Farms
Chapter One
Background to the study
Statement of the study
Purpose of the study
Significance of the study
Research questions
Limitations of the study
Chapter Two
Review of related literature
Chapter Three
Research design and methodology
Sampled area
Sample subject
Research instruments
Administration of the questionnaire
Validity and reliability of instrument
Statistical procedure
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
Suggestion for further studies
In Nigeria as well as in other developed countries of the world. Animal protein food contributes between 1-15 grams daily total food. However in Colben school farm Ekiadolor, poultry keeping of domestic fowl) generally follows sustenance or small scale. Poultry farm with the innovation of scientist endeavors have introduced that large number of people still depend upon small scale poultry production for their supply of eggs and poultry meal and rear mostly few numbers of foreign breeds of fowl.
Although foreign breeds are prolific, they have good meat parts and are used for scientific investigation they have three (3) main disadvantages.
A. High initial capital of intentions.
B. Laying of still egg shell could be easily damage.
C. Low resistance to disease attack.
The major reason is that the government and the school offices, building is more essential to them and financed by the government mainly benefiting students involves in the theoretical fields than the students involved in theories and practical work the school head take side of the education part without taking consideration of the side of the practical work of the students under vocational study and malnutrition of the animals.
Some other problems known to small scale poultry production operation in Nigeria include scarcity and cost of feeds disease and parasite lack of training and experience of the people (farmers) in animals his boundary the absence of infrastructure and necessities supply the need input for their production, processing and distributing lack of water, poor feeding and other management problems.
Among the management problem is he delicate nature of chicks breeding, the amount of profit made in poultry production depends primarily on good management critical in chicks rearing because poor handling during the brooding stage affects the subsequently performance of birds.
The frequent folding up of poultry farms, low production and small numbers of birds kept in various farms has necessitated the writing of this work.
The question often asked includes:
A. Why are most of the small scale poultry farm stagnant?
B. Is it as a result of poor management skill?
C. Is there no money for the farmers to operate within?
D. Is there no money for the farmers to operate with?
E. Are there no Vetinary officers to help the farmer?
A. To highlight the problem associated with small scale poultry in colben school farm.
B. Make some recommendation on how these problems could be solved so that poultry production could be more profitable.
C. To provide a basic for future research on this topic and will also be useful to students who have interest in small scale poultry business.
1. On completion of this study. It is contemplated that the research finding would help in Colben School Ekiadolor of Ovia North East Local Government Area of Edo State.
2. The justification of the study would be seen from the point of view of the fact that the research finding would help in advising and counseling of people hoping to take poultry farm farming either as a small scale or full scale business venture.
3. It will also serve as reference materials for further finding it will also be useful to government in identifying areas where poultry farmers in the local government area or the school poultry farm can be assisted in order to increase production.
1. scale limitation pattern and considering constraints and
2. limited research at disposal of the research, the study will concentrate on small scale poultry farm location in various school farms, most especially Colben school farm in Ovia North East Local Government Area.