Public Administration Project Topics

Perception and Acceptance of Restructuring of Nigeria Across the Six Geo-political Zone

Perception and Acceptance of Restructuring of Nigeria Across the Six Geo-political Zone


Perception and Acceptance of Restructuring of Nigeria Across the Six Geo-political Zone


Content Structure of Perception and Acceptance of Restructuring of Nigeria Across the Six Geo-political Zone

  • The abstract contains the research problem, the objectives, methodology, results, and recommendations
  • Chapter one of this thesis or project materials contains the background to the study, the research problem, the research questions, research objectives, research hypotheses, significance of the study, the scope of the study, organization of the study, and the operational definition of terms.
  • Chapter two contains relevant literature on the issue under investigation. The chapter is divided into five parts which are the conceptual review, theoretical review, empirical review, conceptual framework, and gaps in research
  • Chapter three contains the research design, study area, population, sample size and sampling technique, validity, reliability, source of data, operationalization of variables, research models, and data analysis method
  • Chapter four contains the data analysis and the discussion of the findings
  • Chapter five contains the summary of findings, conclusions, recommendations, contributions to knowledge, and recommendations for further studies.
  • References: The references are in APA
  • Questionnaire


Chapter One of Perception and Acceptance of Restructuring of Nigeria Across the Six Geo-political Zone




There have been an ongoing debates on restructuring the six geopolitical zones of Nigeria, as a means to resolves the growing agitations and tension emanating from different parts of the country on diverse issue affecting the peaceful existence unity and progress of the nation. It is believed that the concept of federalism has concentrated much power and responsibility on the federal government to the detriment of the states and local governments. Consequently, it is viewed that there is marginalization of certain ethnic groups and the neglect of certain communities as well as the non-release of adequate resources to communities believed to contributing sufficiently to the federal government. Consequently, the call for restructuring is from ethnic and religious perspectives and largely from the south east and south south regions of the country while the northern region seems to be on the opposing side to restructuring. According to Dr. Arthur Nwankwo (2008), restructuring constitute the process of giving recognition through a constitutional provision to the six geo-political zones as federating units and giving considerable powers to the regions. Restructuring relieves the central government of certain powers and limits its area of functionality to issues as fiscal policies, defence, national elections, immigration and foreign policy. It is not the merging of states as conceived by some quarters but the process of giving each region the powers to control its resources and pay royalties to the central government. The agitation is that the present structure is not fair and just.

According to Nwosu (2016), restructuring involves the devolution of powers to the regions than regionalization of Nigeria. The study seeks to investigate the perception and acceptance of restructuring of Nigeria across the six geo-political zone.


The current structure it is believed is responsible for the political and economic challenges facing the country as well as the marginalization and agitation for resource control being experienced in some part of the country. The high level of unemployment, militancy and communal conflicts, terrorism are link to the inadequacy of the federal government to address the challenges confronting the regions. The issue of marginalization in the South-east is contributing to the growing agitation for Biafra and cases of injustices. But, there is also the belief that many politicians are calling for new patterns of power sharing for personal interest and not for the representation of their communities. It is believed that the concept of federalism has concentrated much power and responsibility on the federal government to the detriment of the states and local governments. Consequently, it is viewed that there is marginalization of certain ethnic groups and the neglect of certain communities as well as the non-release of adequate resources to communities believed to contributing sufficiently to the federal government. Consequently, the problem confronting the study is to investigate the perception and acceptance of restructuring of Nigeria across the six geo-political zone.


The main objective of the study is to investigate the perception and acceptance of restructuring of Nigeria across the six geo-political zones. The specific objectives of the study include;

1 To appraise the concept and deficiencies of Federalism.

2 To appraise the concept and relevance of restructuring.

3 To determine the perception and acceptance of restructuring of Nigeria across the six geo-political zone.



1 What is concept and deficiencies of Federalism?

2 What is concept and relevance of restructuring?

3 What is the perception and acceptance of restructuring of Nigeria across the six geo-political zones?


Ho1: There is no significant relationship between perception and restructuring across the six geo political zones.



The study shall proffer relevant information on the perception and acceptance of restructuring of Nigeria across the six geo-political zones.

It shall serve useful purpose to government.


The study focuses on the appraisal of the perception and acceptance of restructuring of Nigeria across the six geo-political zone.


The study was confronted with both, logistics and financial constraints.



Restructuring constitute the process of giving recognition through a constitutional provision to the six geo-political zones as federating units and giving considerable powers to the regions. Restructuring relieves the central government of certain powers and limits its area of functionality to issues as fiscal policies, defence, national elections, immigration and foreign policy.



 The administration of the country’s economic and social resources for development through the exercise of political power.



It can be viewed as a form of government in which the two levels of government divide the powers of governance equally .The Federal system of government is a mixture of the central government with the regional governments.



  Conflict constitute the state of disagreement involving opposing community or nation , individuals, opinion, needs.

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