Public Administration Project Topics

National Orientation Agency: an Effective Tool to Social and Political Development of Nigeria

National Orientation Agency an Effective Tool to Social and Political Development of Nigeria


National Orientation Agency: an Effective Tool to Social and Political Development of Nigeria


Content Structure of National Orientation Agency: an Effective Tool to Social and Political Development of Nigeria

  • The abstract contains the research problem, the objectives, methodology, results, and recommendations
  • Chapter one of this thesis or project materials contains the background to the study, the research problem, the research questions, research objectives, research hypotheses, significance of the study, the scope of the study, organization of the study, and the operational definition of terms.
  • Chapter two contains relevant literature on the issue under investigation. The chapter is divided into five parts which are the conceptual review, theoretical review, empirical review, conceptual framework, and gaps in research
  • Chapter three contains the research design, study area, population, sample size and sampling technique, validity, reliability, source of data, operationalization of variables, research models, and data analysis method
  • Chapter four contains the data analysis and the discussion of the findings
  • Chapter five contains the summary of findings, conclusions, recommendations, contributions to knowledge, and recommendations for further studies.
  • References: The references are in APA
  • Questionnaire



Chapter One of National Orientation Agency: an Effective Tool to Social and Political Development of Nigeria

Background of the Study

The NOA is a federal government agency under the Federal Ministry of Information, which is headed by a Director General. The agency is vested with the mandate to execute the functions of orientating and re-orientating the Nigerian populace on a wide number of issues which engenders Nation building and beyond; such issues relating to Economical, Social, Political, and Environmental, Psychological etc. The National Orientation Agency of Nigeria is the agency with the mandate of disseminating  government policy, collating public opinion, and fostering national unity, patriotism,  and  the development of Nigerian society. The agencys motto is   “Do the right thing: transform Nigeria.” The specific objectives of the agency were defined in Decree 100 of 1993. The National Orientation Agency has successively handle matters involving health, cooperation with non-governmental organizations, and prevention of electoral violence. The NATIONAL ORIENTATION AGENCY ACT;(1993) IS An Act which stipulates the  establishment of  the National Orientation Agency  with the responsibility to re-orientate and motivate  Nigerians to participate actively and freely in discussions and decisions that  affect their collective and general welfare and for other matters connected therewith.


Consequently the specified functions of the agency include the

Informing and educating the general public on Government programmes, policies, and activities;

Engendering favorable opinion   and support for Government policies, programmes and activities from the public;

The collating, analyzing and providing feedback on policies, programme and activities of the government from the public;

Exposing Nigerians to democratic values and norms through the Establishment of social institutions and framework for a disciplined, progressive, virile, peaceful, and united society.

Stimulate the sense of consciousness of all of Nigerians on their legitimate privileges, rights, and obligations as citizens of Nigeria;

Stimulate and engender the spirit of dignity of labour, commitment and honesty to the qualitative promotion, production and consumption of locally produced products and services;

Re-orientate Nigerians on the issue of power, its use and the effective role of Government in serving the collective interest of the people of Nigeria;

Inculcate the sense of responsibility to eschew all vices such as corruption, dishonesty, electoral and census malpractice, ethnic parochial and religious bigotry in public life;

 Mobilize the people of Nigeria to identify and exercise positive patriotic participation in national issues and affairs and, inform, mobilize and engage all Nigerians to fight against all forms of internal and external domination of resources by a few individuals or groups. NATIONAL ORIENTATION AGENCY ACT (1993)



Statement of the Problem

        The National Orientation  agency is vested with lofty objectives which consist of the need to ensure that Federal Government programmes and policies are accepted and understood by the general public; engender favorable opinions from the public for government policies and programmes; enhance informal education , public enlightenment activities and publication; motivate the public for feedback  on all aspect of national issues  to the Federal Government ;  educating, orientating and indoctrinating Nigerians on  socially desirable , values, attitude and culture in other to project nigerias positive image; Inculcate in Nigerians  the spirit of nationalism, self-discipline, patriotism, and self-reliance; Develop the attitude of   Nigerians to their civic obligation  of  promoting  national unity,  human rights and to build a just, free and progressive society; Motivate Nigerians to participate actively and freely in all national issues and matters which affect their wellbeing and general welfare; Develop in Nigerians the positive  attitudes and culture for the attainment of  national unity, discipline and the goals and objectives of a united Nigeria; Inculcate in Nigerians the  sense of nationalism and leadership ; and foster respect for constituted authority. NATIONAL ORIENTATION AGENCY ACT (1993).However the agency has been under strong criticism of being unable to fulfill its statutory objectives in view of the security and other social vices confronting the nation in recent times. Consequently the problem confronting the research is to appraise the National Orientation Agency: an effective tool to social and political development of Nigeria



Objectives of the Study

To appraise the performance and relevance of the National Orientation Agency as an effective tool to social and political development of Nigeria


Research Questions

What is the role of the National orientation Agency towards achieving social and political development in Nigeria?

Significance of the Study

The research shall re-invigorate the need for the National orientation Agency to respond to call of Nigerians to live up to its statutory obligation towards enhancing social and political development in Nigeria.

Research Hypothesis

Ho NOA impact on social and political development in Nigeria is low

Hi NOA impact on social and political development in Nigeria is high


Scope of the Study

The study focuses on the appraisal of the National Orientation Agency as an effective tool to social and political development of Nigeria


Limitations of the Study

The research was confronted by logistics constraint and geographical factors.


Definition of Terms


The National Orientation Agency of Nigeria is the agency with the mandate of communicating government policy, collating public opinion, and fostering national unity, patriotism,  and  the development of Nigerian society. The NOA is a federal government agency under the Federal Ministry of Information, which is headed by a Director General. The agency is vested with the mandate to execute the functions of orientating and re-orientating the Nigerian populace on a wide number of issues which engenders Nation building and beyond; such issues relating to Economical, Social, Political, and Environmental, Psychological etc.



NATIONAL ORIENTATION AGENCY ACT;(1993) IS An Act which stipulates the  establishment of  the National Orientation Agency  with the responsibility to re-orientate and motivate  Nigerians to participate actively and freely in discussions and decisions that  affect their collective and general welfare and for other matters connected therewith.

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