Chapter One of Microcontroller Based on/off Electrical Appliance via Serial Port
There has been continuous quest for man to improve his well being through, reactions to problems and challenges posed by his environment. Over the years, computer and computer communication has gained so much attention and grown tremendously, reducing big and expensive mainframes into small affordale devices. Statistics have shown that most people spend most of their time one computers, since most of their activities locally or globally over a network. Since much item is spend on computer system, it becomes necessary to design a device for controlling switches from computer. Switches are so essential that one can not avoid to use them on a daily basis for putting on or turning off electrical devices via serial port, and as a result of these, many devices have been designed by man to help him conquer these problems and challenges posed by physical contact with electricity. The control system can range from simply controlling, the Pc in this case. Interface are required so that the PC can communicate with other devices, the interface used in this work is the computer serial port interface. The microcontroller switch control system is made up of several devices connected together; keypads that transmit commands to the device, fixtures controller that is programmed on the appliances automatically to a computer system via a serial port interface.