Chapter One of Microbial Examination of Spoilt Avocado Fruit
Abstract of Microbial Examination of Spoilt Avocado Fruit
Microbial examination of spoilt Avocado fruits was carried out to obtained the causal organism. A total of 60 avocado from Ogbete Main market and New market Enugu were examined by culturing on nutrient agar and sabourand dextrose agar (SM), for bacteria and fungi causing post – harvest spoilage on the fruits; six bacterial species and six fungal species were isolated. The bacteria include Erwinia SP (66.7%), Streptococcus sp, *25%), E. Coli (18.9%) and staphycoccus sp (33.3%), Pseudomonas sp (20%) and Chromobacterium sp (5%) has the lowest percentage occurrence, Erwinia sp, Pseudomonas sp and chromobacterium sp were found to be absent in the control. The fungi species, includes Aspergillus sp (50%), Pericillium sp (25%), Fusarium sp (16.6%), Rhisopus sp (13.3%), currularia sp (8.3%) and Rhoctorula sp (3.3%), were also kolated Avocado fruits from Ogbete main market were more contaminated than the avocado form the new market.