Chapter One of Management Innovation and Sustenance of Small Business Unit in Nigeria a Study of Tailoring / Fashion Design in Aguda, Surulere, Lagos.
Abstract of Management Innovation and Sustenance of Small Business Unit in Nigeria a Study of Tailoring / Fashion Design in Aguda, Surulere, Lagos.
This study assessed the impact of management innovation on sustenance of small business unit. The study employed the descriptive survey research design. The sample size consisted of 150 respondents drawn from tailoring / fashion business area at Surulere Lagos. A 20- item structured questionnaire was designed to elicit responses from the sampled population on management innovation and sustenance of small business unit. The Pearson Correlation Statistics was utilized with the help of Special Package of Social sciences (SPSS) to test the four hypotheses stated for the study. Results showed among others that the tested tailoring/ fashion design differed significantly in design, marketing and sales from those best practices, there was significant difference between product design and implementation of Nigeria tailoring / fashion design and those of best practice, there was significant impact of education, training and years of work experience on tailoring fashion design business performance and that significant relationship exists between management innovation and sustenance of small business units. On the basis of these findings the recommendations were made which include: individual goals should derive from strategic innovation direction and overall entrepreneur goals; small business entrepreneurs should know what customers needs are through needs assessments; education and training should be given to small business owners to make them to be leaders in their business and government to create enabling environment for small business unit to survive.