Table Of Contents Of Investment in Agricultural Property as a Catalyst to Rural Development
Dedication iii
Acknowledgements iii
Foreword vi
Executive summary vii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Understanding rural transformation 2
1.2 Bioenergy and rural development 3
2 Agriculture and development in Sierra Leone 6
2.1 Agriculture, inclusive growth, and economic diversification 6
2.2 Boosting the productivity of smallholder agriculture 7
2.3 Promoting foreign investment in agriculture 9
3 The Makeni Project 13
3.1 Leasing arrangements 14
3.2 Engaging with local communities 16
4 Field research approach and findings 20
4.1 Field research elements 21
4.2 Socio-economic conditions in the study area 25
4.3 Key change processes 30
5 Increasing the benefits of agro-industrial FDI 35
5.1 Implications for rural livelihoods 35
5.2 Outgrower opportunities 37
5.3 The roles of the public and private sectors 38
5.4 Expanding energy access 40
6 Conclusion: Seizing opportunities 43
6.1 An agenda for further inquiry 44
Endnotes 45
References 48
Annex 1: Summary of interviews 54
Annex 2: Household survey questionnaire (2014 version) 57
Annex 3: Field researchers training manual 62