Military brutality is the excessive and unwarranted use of force by law enforcement. It is an extreme form of military misconduct or violence and is a civil rights violation. It also refers to a situation where military officers exercise undue or excessive force against a person. Military brutality includes but is not limited to physical or verbal harassment, physical or mental injury, property damage, inaction of military officers, and in some cases, death.
Notably the Military is also known collectively as armed forces, is a heavily armed, highly organized force primarily intended for warfare. It is typically officially authorized and maintained by a sovereign state, with its members identifiable by their distinct military uniform. The function of the military is directed toward defending the nation from external aggression, maintaining its territorial integrity and securing violations on land, sea or air suppressing insurgency and acting in aid of civil authorities to restore order when they are called upon to do so by the President ( FRNC amended 1999).
However in recent times,there has been increase in record cases of misappropriated priority of the military towards the purpose of existence. This is manifested in the cases of brutality, torture, rape and massacre of the citizenry they are meant to protect. Misappropriated priority is described as the act of abusing or mishandling something that you have been asked to take care of and diverting attention from what seems to be urgent. The military which it sole duty is fight insurgency, banditry and kidnapping has left their job and now fighting unarmed citizens.
On the extreme they have become a tool in the hands of political syndicate to fight against those who stand on their way to gain to gain political powers and they are also used as a weapon to enforce leadership on the electorate against their will.This misappropriated priority of the military has led to the violation of the human right rights of the citizens as this is ironical to the main purpose of which security agencies is established. Therefore it is on this note that this research is set to do Investigation of Misappropriated Priority: A Review of Nigeria Military brutality on civilians
The security services of any nation are an integral part of the society that cannot be dispensed with and their responsibilities with regard to securing lives and properties cannot be overemphasized.Some of the functions of these security agencies as provided by law include among others the preservation of law and order, detection of any crime within Nigeria, maintenance of internal security, the protection and preservation of all non military classified matters concerned with the internal security of Nigeria.The security services in Nigeria include: The Nigerian Armed Forces i.e. Army, Air Force and Navy, The Nigeria Police Force, The State Security Services (SSS) Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps, The Nigerian Prisons Service, The Nigerian Customs Service and The Nigerian Immigration Service( NSA Act 2004).This is why it is, ironical that the ones who are supposed to safe-guard and protect turn around to -trample upon and violate the rights of the citizenry.
Despite the transition from military to civilian rule in 1999, clampdowns assault, beatings, massacre, torture, rape, murder, unfair arrests and abusive raids of the Military against unarmed citizens have been the ordeal of today’s Nigeria. I
The military who are meant to curb terrorist attacks, kidnapping and insurgencies has diverted their attention from the main purpose of which they were established resolving to attack and brutalized unarmed citizen who they are meant to protect.
This misappropriated priority of military brutality against citizens is a clear evidence of violation of human right and detrimental on the victims of this hostility.To violate the most basic Human Rights is to deny individuals their fundamental moral entitlements. In a sense it means to treat individuals as if they are less than human and undeserving of respect and dignity. Examples of violations include acts typically deemed crimes against humanity such as genocide, torture, slavery, assault, murder, rape, deliberate maltreatment (Anyanwu E. 2021). There has been increase cases of extrajudicial executions, brutality, assault, unlawful killings and enforced disappearances of citizens masterminded by the military each year. The majority of cases go investigated and unpunished. The families of the victims usually have no recourse to justice or redress. Many people do not even get to find out what exactly happened to their loved ones and other manifestations of military brutality against citizens which is clear misappropriated priority. Therefore is it against this backdrop that this study is set to do a critical investigation of misappropriated priority: A Review of Nigeria Military brutality on civilians.
The focus of this study is set to set to do a critical investigation of misappropriated priority: A Review of Nigeria Military brutality on civilians. Specifically it seeks:
1. To examine the rate of military brutality on citizens in Akwaibom State.
2. To examine the different forms/manifestations of military brutality against unarmed citizens
3. To investigate if military brutality violates human rights of the citizens
4. To investigate if victims of military brutality ever get justices
This study in it entirety will contribute to the general knowledge body.Specifically for policy makers, it will heighten the urgent need of drafting Military Reforms to guide the the orintation of the military and their actions. It will heighten the pressure on Government to monitor the activities of the military ensuring they do not exceed their jurisdiction or infringe the human right of citizens while doing their job. It will will mandate the Nigeria Political syndicates and Elites group on the need to stop using the Military as a tool of political propaganda and gaining of political power. Moreso it will drive the Judiciary and Human Right Activists, International Bodies to probe illicit brutality and other inhuman/illegal activities that goes on in Nigeria Military with the aim of protecting the Human Rights of the common citizen.
The SCOPE of this study is set to set to do a critical investigation of misappropriated priority: A Review of Nigeria Military brutality on civilians. it will examine the rate of military brutality on citizens. It will examine the different forms/manifestations of military brutality against unarmed citizens. It will investigate if military brutality violates human rights of the citizens. It will investigate if victims of military brutality ever get justices. However this study is delimited to Essien Udim Local Government in Akwa ibom State Nigeria.
The following research question guides the study
1. What is the rate of military brutality on citizens in Akwaibom State?
2. What are the different forms/manifestations of military brutality against unarmed citizens in Essien Udim LGA?
3. Do you think military brutality is a violation of human rights of the citizens?
4. Do you think victims of military brutality ever get justice or support?
5. Do you think that military brutality against citizens is a clear sign of misappropriated priority?
The following factors poses to be a limitation during the course of this research
Financial constraint– Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire and interview).
Time constraint– The researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. This consequently will cut down on the time devoted for the research work.
Misappropriation: misappropriation the act of abusing or mishandling something that you have been asked to take care of. It is is the wrongful use of something
Priority: Priority is defined as that something or someone is more urgent or important than other things. Something afforded or deserving prior attention.
Military: military, also known collectively as armed forces, is a heavily armed, highly organized force primarily intended for warfare. It is typically officially authorized and maintained by a sovereign state, with its members identifiable by their distinct military uniform
Brutality:Brutality is a cruel and and violent behaviour towards a person.Violence is the use of physical force so as to injure, abuse, damage, or destroy someone.
Human Right Abuse:Human rights abuse refers to unlawful and arbitrary treatment or killings of a person which often manifest in forced disappearances by both government and non state actors; torture by both government and non state actors and prolonged arbitrary detention in life-threatening conditions particularly in government detention.