Marketing Project Topics

Investigation of Marketing Strategies in the Music Industries





The importance of communication cannot be overemphasized. Communication has from the onset been a fundamental and crucial part of human existence. Without communication, humans cannot survive because communication is the only means through which ideas and knowledge could be passed from one generation to the other. Baran (2011) is of the opinion that communication is the transmission of information from a source to a receiver. “Communication has been variously defined as the passing of information, the exchange of ideas, or the process of establishing a commonness or oneness of thought between a sender and a receiver.” (Belch & Belch, 2003. p. 139)

Communication has various functions of which include; information provision, education and entertainment. These major functions are vividly unavoidable in our daily lives. As individuals, we seek to gain more information and educate ourselves about the world in which we inhabit and also a need to escape from the necessities of life bring us to the use of entertainment such as films, books, magazines, video games etc.

Defining music is not any easy task to be achieved because music has a variety of definitions and not an exact one. Many individuals have made conscious efforts to give meaning to music in the way that suits them the most. Scholars have therefore provided their own definition of music in order to give it a standard definition. According to Levinson (1990), as cited in Davies (2015), defines music as an art which involves an individual momentarily making sounds for the soul aim of strengthening experience through active engagement such as dancing, listening and performing.


The music industry is an ever-growing industry where marketing is vital, the more imaginative and unusual the marketing idea, the more likely artists will stand out, become noticeable an achieve success (Cory, 2011). Marketing techniques must be made aware of in order to grasp the understanding and to gain success through the industry. The Marketing Mix is an essential and effective use of marketing, considering each element: Product, Price, Place, Promotion, Process, People and Physical Evidence. The purpose of this study is to critically investigate the marketing strategies that are used in the music industries.



The main focus of this study is to investigate the use of marketing strategies in the music industry; therefore, the objectives include:

1.    To expatiate on the marketing strategies that music industries use.

2.    To determine the role of the marketing strategies in the music industry.

3.    To determine the effects of implementing the marketing strategies in the music industry.


The following questions guide this research:

1.    What is marketing strategies do music industries use?

2.    What is the role of the marketing strategies in the music industry?

3.    What are the effects of implementing the marketing strategies in the music industry?


It has been suggested that record companies move their focus away from litigation and toward promotion and marketing (Freedman, 2003). This research serves as a roadmap to help the music business go in that direction from a marketing standpoint. In addition, this study will supplement past research by offering in-depth marketing ideas on how businesses in the music sector might prosper.


This study will only cover the investigation of the marketing strategies in the music industry. An in-depth analysis of the marketing strategies will be looked into. Also, the role which marketing strategies play in the music industry and the effects of implementing marketing strategies will be looked into.


The researcher was only limited by availability of funds.


1. MARKETING STRATEGIES: A marketing strategy refers to a business’s overall game plan for reaching prospective consumers and turning them into customers of their products or services

2. MUSIC: vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion.

3. MUSIC INDUSTRY: The music industry consists of the companies and independent artists that earn money by creating new songs and pieces and arranging live concerts and shows, audio and video recordings, compositions and sheet music, and the organizations and associations that aid and represent music creators.



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