Chapter One of Influence of Pornographic Films on the Internet on Secondary Schools: a Study of Amazing Grace School Abraka Delta State
Abstract of Influence of Pornographic Films on the Internet on Secondary Schools: a Study of Amazing Grace School Abraka Delta State
This study examines student’s readership of newspaper. The work specifically seeks to determine whether pornographic films on the internet influence secondary school students. The study aim to find out how students of Amazing Grace secondary school access pornography on the internet, to ascertain the frequency at which students of Amazing Grace secondary school visit pornographic sites on the internet, to ascertain how pornographic site on the internet influence the sexual behaviours of Amazing Grace secondary school students. The survey research method was employed in the study. The survey research method is useful in the measurement of public opinions, attitudes among a very large population. The population of this study were students in Amazing Grace Secondary School, Abraka. A sample of fifty-six (56) were selected from the population, using the simple random sampling techniques. The research instrument used in the study was the questionnaire. However, 52 copies were successfully retrieved from the 56 copies administered. The data obtained were analysed using the simple percentage method. The results showed that these secondary students were being influenced by internet pornography and at the risk of social modesty is detrimental to a morally upright life. Factors responsible for students access to internet pornography have been traced towards the influence of friends, boredom and a bid to engage in adventure. In other words, students love what they see and enjoy engaging in internet pornography since they derive their utmost satisfaction from it. The study therefore suggest that there is need for parent, teachers and school to constantly censor what the children do with their phone especially internet enable ones, that government should interfere through concerned regulatory bodies and service providers of these platforms in a bid to stop the menace. Finally, it was suggested that pornography can be reduced in secondary schools through orientation programmes.