Chapter One of Influence of Motivation on Job Performance of Library Personnel in Babcock University and Oou
Abstract of Influence of Motivation on Job Performance of Library Personnel in Babcock University and Oou
The study investigates the influence of motivation on job performance of library personnel in O.O.U and Babcock University, Ilishan- Remo, Ogun State. The populations of the study were 100 workers of the library personnel. The study adopt total enumeration (census). This was because all the library personnel in the study locations were included in the study. The study used descriptive statistics (frequencies, mean, and percentages) to answer the two research questions posed for the study. The regression analysis was used to test the hypothesis that guided the study. The result obtained from the analysis showed that motivation have positive and significant effects on job performance of library personnel in the two university libraries. The study reveals level of job performance in the two libraries, among which were staff have a good working habit, regular attendance to work, been sensitive toward other people’s feeling, respect to their fellow staff. The study also reveals the level of motivation among which are staff are strongly motivated by the application given to them when they perform a duty, they always have the desire to work because they are allowed to express their opinions concerning their work. The researcher recommended that the university libraries should make motivation of their staff as part of their priority as this will go alone way of increasing the staff job perform and also libraries are continually challenged to develop pay policies and procedures that will enable them to attract, motivate, retain and satisfy their employees. It was therefore, suggest that more research should be conducted on the relationship and influence of motivation on workers performance using many private and public organizations which will be a handy tool that could be used to provide solutions to individual conflict that has resulted from poor reward system.