Food Science and Technology Project Topics

Indigenous Method of Controlling Cowpea Pests

Indigenous Method of Controlling Cowpea Pests


 Introduction of Indigenous Method of Controlling Cowpea Pests

Background to the Study

Cowpea is a popular and nutritionally important legume crop in many parts of the world. They are grown mainly for their edible beans. They thrive in poor conditions, growing well in soils ipto 85% sand. This makes them a particularly important crop in arid, semi desert regions where not many other crops will grows. It is also an important source of food for humans in poor regions and the crop can also be used as feed for livestock. It provides a rich source of proteins and calories as well as vitamins. Despite this it is considered too risky an investment by many growers because of the numerous pest problem associated with it (Jackai and Adaila, 1985).

Pest problems on cowpea persist, at least in part because of a lack of diversity in research interests in control of pests. Much effort is devoted to the easier problems ( aphids, bruchids, leaf hoppers e.t.c.). While major problems ( thrips, pod borer and pod bugs) remain unsolved. The pest problem on cowpea is complex and requires diversified efforts. Insects pest damage pest from seedling emergence to storage. The pest problem in Africa is clearly more severe in Africa than elsewhere probably because many of the pests are considered indigenous to the continent and have had ample time to co evolve with the crop in its center of origin and domestication ( Ng and Marechal, 1985).

Statement of the Problem

In recent studies, people have become wiser andore sensitive to environmental also due to high cost and the unavailability of conventional insecticides, research has intensified in the indigenous method of controlling cowpea pests that will increase yield.

Objectives of the Study

The major objective of the research is to evaluate the indigenous method of controlling g cowpea pests.


Research Questions

1. What the type of pests associated with cowpea?

2. What are the available methods for controlling theses pests?

3. Is there any indigenous method that can be employed for controlling these pests?

4. How effective is the indigenous method for controlling the pests ?

Significance of the Study

This Study gives a clear insight in the indigenous method of controlling cowpea pests. It also gives a clear I sight in how effective the indigenous method is. The findings and recommendations of the research if employed my farmers will enable them control pests associated with low cost and readily available sources.

Scope of the Study

The research focuses on the indigenous method of controlling cowpea pests and how effective they are.

Limitations of the Study

Language barrier during interview with farmers on the type of pest associated with cowpea because most cowpea growers are from the northern part of the country.



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