Accounting Project Topics

Impact of Public Expenditure Towards Economic Growth / Development (a Comparative Analysis Between Nigeria and Britain)

Impact of Public Expenditure Towards Economic Growth Development (a Comparative Analysis Between Nigeria and Britain)


Overview of Impact of Public Expenditure Towards Economic Growth / Development (a Comparative Analysis Between Nigeria and Britain)


Title Page             …      …      …      …      …      …      …      …      i

Abstract               …      …      …      …      …      …      …      …      ii

Certification      …         …      …      …      …      …      …      …               iii

Dedication            …      …      …      …      …      …      …      …               iv


Acknowledgement  …    …      …      …      …      …      …               v

Proposal               …      …      …      …      …      …      …      …      vi

Table of Content    …    …      …      …      …      …      …               vii


1.0            Background of the study

1.1     Statement of the Problem

1.2            The purpose of the study

1.3            Objectives of the study

1.4            The Hypothesis if the study

1.5            The research Question of the study

1.6            The Limitations of the study

1.7            Significance of the study

1.8            Scope of the study

1.9            Definition of terms.


2.0            Introduction to Literature Review

2.1     Definition of public expenditure

2.2            Classification of public Expenditure

2.3            Importance for public expenditure

2.4            Changes in public expenditure

2.5            Principles of public expenditure

2.6            Determinants of public expenditure

2.7            Economic development


3.0            Introduction

3.1     Definition of Area and population of study

3.2            Procedures for data Collection

3.3            Procedures for data analysis

3.4            Public Expenditure Functions

3.5            The need for Public expenditure


4.0            Presentation of data collected

4.1     Presentation of result (Britain)

4.2   Interpretation of Results

4.2.1 Standard Error test

4.2.2          The T – Test

4.3                  Analysis of Variance

4.4                  Discussion of result (Britain)

4.5                  Presentation of Result (Nigerian)

4.5.1 Interpretation of result

4.5.2          Standard Error Test

4.6                  The T-Test

4.6.1          Analysis of variance

4.7                  Discussion of Result (Nigeria)


5.0            Summary /finding, Conclusion and Policy Recommendation

5.1     Summary of Finding

5.2            Conclusion

5.3            Recommendations



Chapter One of Impact of Public Expenditure Towards Economic Growth / Development (a Comparative Analysis Between Nigeria and Britain)



Amongst scholars, economic growth have been referred to as the study process by which the productive capacity of the economy is increased overtime to being about increases in the output of goods about services sand rising levels of national income.

In short, it mean growth in the output of goods and services (i.e growth in GNP) However, the function of public expenditure and its impact to economic development could be traced by throwing more lines on the meaning of public expenditure.

According to an economics dictionary by J. L HANSON:  Public expenditure have bee stated and the amount of money spent by a state or a supreme recognized region on its defense.  Education and other social services, interest on National debts, capital investments etc.  Therefore, public expenditures on economic development is traditionally applied tot he package of policy problems that involves the use of fax and expenditure measures.  This economic development measures have been seen as a conscious and deliberate effort by the government to influence, direct and control the path of progress f the country.

It involves the government’s directive and actives interference with the market mechanisms either to supplement or to supplant it.

It is generally done by directly allocating or influencing the allocations of the society’s resources (both human and maternal) according to some predetermined objectives and thus, it involves the government in conceiving, initiating, regulating and controlling economic activities in the system,

However, the impact of public expenditure on economic development have been to weighting the economic standard of a country ads to determing its



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