Abstract of Impact of Climate Change on Groundwater in Three Different Land Uses
Climate change poses uncertainties to the supply and management of water resource,temperature increases also affect the hydrologic cycle by directly increasing evaporation of available surface water and vegetation transpiration. Consequently, these changes can influence precipitation amounts, timings and intensity rates, and indirectly impact the flux and storage of water in surface and subsurface reservoirs (i.e., lakes, soil moisture, groundwater). In addition, there may be other associated impacts, such as sea water intrusion, water quality deterioration, potable water shortage, etc.
Climate data parameters were collected over a period of four (4) months and analyzed to obtain reliability index. Groundwater data for four months were also obtained. Related published literature and documents were searched in a systematic way using a range of keywords relating to climate change impacts and agricultural production.
These values are thereby analyzed using the Fourier transform programme to get the variation change
A complicated signal can be broken down into simple waves. This break down, and how much of each wave is needed, is the Fourier Transform.