Public Administration Project Topics

Ict and E-passport Management in Nigeria Immigration Service (a Case Study of Ekiti State Command)

Ict and E-passport Management in Nigeria Immigration Service (a Case Study of Ekiti State Command)


Ict and E-passport Management in Nigeria Immigration Service (a Case Study of Ekiti State Command)


Content Structure of Ict and E-passport Management in Nigeria Immigration Service (a Case Study of Ekiti State Command)

  • The abstract contains the research problem, the objectives, methodology, results, and recommendations
  • Chapter one of this thesis or project materials contains the background to the study, the research problem, the research questions, research objectives, research hypotheses, significance of the study, the scope of the study, organization of the study, and the operational definition of terms.
  • Chapter two contains relevant literature on the issue under investigation. The chapter is divided into five parts which are the conceptual review, theoretical review, empirical review, conceptual framework, and gaps in research
  • Chapter three contains the research design, study area, population, sample size and sampling technique, validity, reliability, source of data, operationalization of variables, research models, and data analysis method
  • Chapter four contains the data analysis and the discussion of the findings
  • Chapter five contains the summary of findings, conclusions, recommendations, contributions to knowledge, and recommendations for further studies.
  • References: The references are in APA
  • Questionnaire


Chapter One of Ict and E-passport Management in Nigeria Immigration Service (a Case Study of Ekiti State Command)




The Nigerian immigration service is the body invested with the obligation of implementing modern migration management in the country. The department in its early stage operated under the   Immigration Ordinance of 1958 with a narrow scope of operation, using a simple approach in achieving its goals and objectives. The function of the service was limited to the Visa and Business Sections. In 1963 the immigration Department was formally instituted by an act of parliament (Cap 171, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria). Since then the service has undergone several restructuring and reformation process to accommodate new responsibilities and other emerging regional and sub-regional political policy implementation. This led to the addition of the ECOWAS and African affairs/bilateral departments, border patrol management and the issuance of all Nigerian travel documents.

The application of ICT in the Nigerian immigration service started with applying ICT in the processing of  Combined Expatriate Residence Permit and Aliens card (CERPAC). The service later introduced the use of online payment for its operations. The use of e-revenue collection in the service was recognizing by the federal government which adopted it as a policy. The Service also created a website to provide a platform for communicating and interacting with its clients. In 2007 the service introduced the e-passport as a measure to check trans-border crimes as the e-pass port contains the bio data information of persons holding it and it’s able to identify people with fake identities. This development gave Nigeria prominence and recognition in the international community. Consequently, e-passport machines have been installed in all states in Nigeria. Also the federal government has sent officers of the service to other nations of the world to provide e-passport to Nigerians abroad. The service also went further to apply ICT in the setting up of a forensic laboratory for the examination of travel documents and monetary instruments. The study seeks to Investigate ICT and E-passport Management in Nigerian immigration service; A case study of Ekiti State Command.


The advents of the application of ICT in different sector of the economy in line with global standards constitute a fundamental challenge since it inceptions in developing economies. The Nigerian immigration service has in recent times upgraded some of its operations with the use and application of ICT to meet international acceptable standards. However, this development comes with additional responsibility and challenges. The introduction of ICT applications requires quality and sustainable maintenance policy, recurrent training of staffs and constant evaluation and monitoring on the performance of the technology. These processes constitute additional budgetary cost for the service. Consequently it is believed that the increase in the cost of procurement of E-passport is as a result of the additional cost outlay incurred by the service. The problem confronting the study is to investigate ICT and E-passport management in Nigerian immigration service; case study of Ekiti State Command.


The fundamental objective of the study is to investigate ICT and E-passport management in Nigerian immigration service; A case study of Ekiti State Command.


         The specific objectives of the study include;

  1. To determine the relevance of e-passport in Nigeria.
  2. To appraise how effective ICT is in the e-passport system.
  3. To determine the challenges of ICT and e-passport management in Nigeria Immigration services.


  1. What is the relevance of e-passport in Nigeria?
  2. How effective is ICT in the e-passport system?
  3. What are the challenges of ICT and e-passport management in Nigeria Immigration services?


Ho1There is no significant impact of ICT on the e-passport management in Nigeria.


The study shall determine the processes of the application of ICT and E-passport management; and the challenges which require government intervention.


The study focuses on the appraisal of ICT and E-passport management in Nigerian immigration service; with a case study of Ekiti State Command.



The study was confronted with logistics and geographical factors.



The Nigerian immigration service is the body invested with the obligation of implementing modern migration management in the country.




      This is referred to as information telecommunication technologies which provide access to information through telecommunications. Communication technologies such as Internet, wireless networks, cell phones, and other communication mediums.


This is defined as Progress in an economy or the increase in the standard of living of the people, or the adoption of new technology for the development of the economy. 

Download Chapters 1 to 5 PDF         



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