Chapter One of Human Resources Development and Efficiency in the Public Sector: a Study of Local Government Area.
Human resources management entails the design of formal system in an institution to facilitate the effective utilization of human talent to achieve the stated goals and objectives of the institution. It includes a structured set of activities which is aimed at attracting, utilizing, developing, and maintaining an effective organizational employee .Agalamanyi (2007). The need for manpower planning and development are significant for effective productivity, growth and development of the public service. The performance and overall efficiency of the organization depends greatly on the level of human resource development .Therefore when it is overlooked it affects quality and quantity of service delivery. This constitute the fundamental basis for the development of the human resources of the organization .manpower planning and development occupies an important place in the attainment of development in the public services hence the need for effective human resource planning and development in the public service. Consequently the future is left unprepared for in the absence of planning .planning mitigate the level of risk inherent in the future and facilitate the taking of advantage and opportunities. Therefore when there is no human resource planning the future manpower needs of the organization is affected and as well as the organizational efficiency. The significance of human resource development and training is pivotal to improving the performance of the staff and overall efficiency of the organization. This is the much needed development in the public service. However evidence shows that this trend is rather negative at the local government level. The socio economic development in the public service has greatly been deterred by the inability to evolve an appropriate and suitable manpower planning and development. The Public service particularly at the local government lack sufficient data to carry out manpower planning .consequently the issue of human resource development is treated with levity. Many of the local government personnel lack the professional competence to contribute effective the goals and objective of the public service. Sometimes the training carried out is unstructured and unsystematic and no significant training is carried out for technical competence and professional staff which as a result mitigate the effective performance of the staff and the overall efficiency of the service. Therefore the research seeks to appraise Human Resources Development and Efficiency in the public Sector with a case Study of Local Government Area.
Statement of the Problem
The significance of human resource development and training is pivotal to improving the performance of the staff and overall efficiency of the organization. This is the much needed development in the public service. However evidence shows that this trend is rather negative at the local government level. The socio economic development in the public service has greatly been deterred by the inability to evolve an appropriate and suitable manpower planning and development. The Public service particularly at the local government lack sufficient data to carry out manpower planning .consequently the issue of human resource development is treated with levity. Many of the local government personnel lack the professional competence to contribute effective the goals and objective of the public service. Sometimes the training carried out is unstructured and unsystematic and no significant training is carried out for technical competence and professional staff which as a result mitigate the effective performance of the staff and the overall efficiency of the service. Therefore the problem confronting the research is to appraise Human Resources Development and Efficiency in the public Sector with a case Study of Local Government Area.
Objectives of the Study
To objective of the research is to determine the effect of human resources development on the performance of the staff and overall efficiency of the public service with particular case study of its impact on the local government administration.
Research Questions
What is the level of human resource development in the public service?
What is the effect of human resource development on the performance of the staff and overall efficiency of the public service in the local government administration?
Significance of the Study
Human resources constitute the most vital asset of every organization. Consequently it is essential that they are adequately maintained, trained and developed to contribute effectively to the goals and objective of the organization.
The negation of the human resource apparently would lead to retrogression of the organisations plans and objectives as well as its efficiency. Therefore the study shall elucidate on the impact of human resources development on the overall efficiency of the public service in the local government administration.
Research Hypothesis
Ho The impact of human resource development on the efficiency of the local government administration is low
Hi The impact of human resource development on the efficiency of the local government administration is high
Scope of the Study
The study focuses on the appraisal of Human Resources Development and Efficiency in the public Sector with a case Study of Local Government Area.
Limitations of the Study
The researcher was confronted by both geographical constraint and logistics in conducting the study
Definition of Terms
Human resources management entails the design of formal system in an institution to facilitate the effective utilization of human talent to achieve the stated goals and objectives of the institution. It include a structured set of activities which is aimed at attracting, utilizing, developing, and maintaining an effective organizational employee
Modern institution aims at acquiring and maintaining the needed set of knowledge, skills, and abilities that will facilitate the organization to attain its stated goals and objectives as well as that of its employees.
Planning is the determination in advance the future courses of action of an organization.
Jobs are usually splitted into units and can be enlarged to assist specialist to be more responsible through increase in the number of task performed to avoid rigidity
Control is the regulation of work activity so as to ensure that they conform to set standards. This can be achieved through supervision, observation and feedback. Drucker (2000)