Chapter One of Fungal Infustation on Bakery Product (Bread)
Abstract of Fungal Infustation on Bakery Product (Bread)
This project work which is all about the fungal infestation of bakery product BREAD, explain the kind or type of fungal organisms that are responsible for the spoilage on contamination of bread. The infestation of fungal organism on bread depends on the kind and number of the agent present and upon the environment about them. this statement makes it clear that micro organism infest foods having suitable environment condition for their microbial activity. This project work is centered on knowing the fungal micro-organisms that infests bread which emails the isolation and identification of the fungal organisms, the source of coutanmination a known standardized system called hazard analysis critical control point which ensures hygienically produced breads. The material and method email the collection of bread samples from five different shops AT Artisan market, Enugu, the method used is the isolation technoloque and the identification of filamention fungi and yeast by wet mount and fluorescence microscopy.