Accounting Project Topics

Fraud Detection and Control in Pay Roll Department in Tai Local Government

Fraud Detection and Control in Pay Roll Department in Tai Local Government


Fraud Detection and Control in Pay Roll Department in Tai Local Government


Content Structure of Fraud Detection and Control in Pay Roll Department in Tai Local Government

  • The abstract contains the research problem, the objectives, methodology, results, and recommendations
  • Chapter one of this thesis or project materials contains the background to the study, the research problem, the research questions, research objectives, research hypotheses, significance of the study, the scope of the study, organization of the study, and the operational definition of terms.
  • Chapter two contains relevant literature on the issue under investigation. The chapter is divided into five parts which are the conceptual review, theoretical review, empirical review, conceptual framework, and gaps in research
  • Chapter three contains the research design, study area, population, sample size and sampling technique, validity, reliability, source of data, operationalization of variables, research models, and data analysis method
  • Chapter four contains the data analysis and the discussion of the findings
  • Chapter five contains the summary of findings, conclusions, recommendations, contributions to knowledge, and recommendations for further studies.
  • References: The references are in APA
  • Questionnaire


Chapter One of Fraud Detection and Control in Pay Roll Department in Tai Local Government



Fraud is an act of deception intended for personal gain or loss to another party. Fraud as a crime embraces all the multifarious means which a human ingenuity can device which are resorted to by an individual to get an advantage over another by false representation. This means that fraud can be perpetrated in the course of personal relationship in religious organizations, social clubs etc. Seetharaman, Sentivelmurugan & Periyananyagam (2004). Fraud causes tremendous loss to the business world and creates morale problems in the work place. When we are stripped of our money by fraudulent means the consequences can be devastating. Fraud losses are serious problems to organizations that need to be managed, controlled and monitored

Background of the Study

The Association of Certified Fraud Examination (ACFE) identifies three main categories of fraud that affects organizations; the first of these is asset misappropriations, which involves the theft or misuse of an organizations asset. Examples include theft of inventory or cash, false invoicing, accounts receivable fraud and payroll fraud. The second category of fraud is fraudulent financial statements which are the most costly with median loss of $2million among the 99 financial misstatements included in the 2008 ACFE study. The final of the three fraud categories and most common is corruption occurring in 27 percent of all fraud cases (AICPA, 2009). Corruption includes activities such as the use of bribes or acceptance of ‘’Kickbacks” improper use of confidential information, conflicts of interest and collusive tendering.

Fraud has been cited as Nigeria‘s biggest single problem both in public and private sectors. It has not only snapped public trust in government but it has cost the government and people of Nigeria billions, due to corrupt management of public companies unrealized public projects and deteriorated infrastructure caused by looted maintenance budget. It is against this background that the researcher intends to analyze the issue of fraud and strategies to manage it. The research therefore seek to investigate the Fraud detection and control in payroll department in TAI LGA

Statement of the Problem

Fraud has been cited as Nigeria‘s biggest single problem both in public and private sectors. It has not only snapped public trust in government but it has cost the government and people of Nigeria billions, due to corrupt management of public companies unrealized public projects and deteriorated infrastructure caused by looted maintenance budget. It is against this background that Kamaludeen (1991) observes “billions of naira is lost in the public sector every year through fraudulent means” this he argues represents only the amount that is ferreted out and made public.

Indeed much more substantial or huge sums are lost in undetected frauds or those that are for one reason or the other hushed up. Fraud constitutes any deliberate false act aimed at deceiving or harming any party, individual or corporate body, in any manner. Therefore the problem confronting this research is to investigate fraud detection and control in Payroll department in TAI LGA

Objective of the Study

  1. To determine the nature of fraud
  2. To determine the methods of fraud detection and control
  3. To determine the nature of fraud detection and control in the payroll department in Tai LGA

Research Questions

      1 What is the nature of fraud

2       What is the methods of fraud detection and control

3       What is the nature of  fraud detection and control in the payroll department in TAI LGA

Significance of the Study

The study shall appraise the nature of fraud detection and control which will serve as a framework for the eradication of fraud in the public and private sector organization.

The study shall also provide essential information on issues fraud detection and control.

Statement of Hypothesis

1 Ho Fraud in the payroll department in TAI LGA is Low

   Hi Fraud in the payroll department in TAI LGA is high

2 Ho  Fraud detection in the payroll department  in TAI LGA is low

Hi Fraud detection in the payroll department in TAI LGA is high

3 Ho  Fraud control in  the payroll department in TAI LGA is low

Hi Fraud control in the payroll department in TAI LGA is high

Scope  of the Study

The study focuses on the appraisal of fraud detection and control in the payroll department of TAI LGA

Definition of Terms

Corporate image: This refers to the goodwill and public image created by an entirely. It could be as a result of making good quality products, offering efficient services and maintain a satisfied work force.

Internal control: the plan of an organization and all the co-ordinate method and means adopted within a business to safeguard its assets, check the accuracy data, promote operational efficiency and encourage adherence to prescribed managerial policies.

Liquidation: The winding up of a business, is usually as a result of insufficient funds.

  Forgery: Forgery is the act of falsely making or receiving any writing for the purpose of doing to another person. Any alteration of a writing made with intent to defraud is a forgery. For instance, the forgery of a staff signature.

Dummy names: This type of fraud is in a way of including non – existence name in the wages sheets.

Falsification of account: These types of fraud are usually committed by the pay rollers who are either acting ignorantly, innocently or with proved criminal intent.

Forged cheque: Forged cheque with forged signature remain one of the commonest source of fraud, in this case, cheque books are stolen, customers signature are perfectly forged and many successfully with draw from the bank. Journal of Good Governance and Sustainable Development in Africa (JGGSDA), Vol. 2, No 4, May, 2015. ,Gbegi, D. O. & Adebisi, J.F., 2015, 2(4):109 128 110 Research Centre for Management and Social Studies

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