Accounting Project Topics

Feasibility Studies and Co-operative Formulation Investment Drive

Feasibility Studies and Co-operative Formulation Investment Drive


Feasibility Studies and Co-operative Formulation Investment Drive

Content Structure of The Effect of Cloud Accounting on Organisational Productivity; a Case Study of Springhlight Technology

  • The abstract contains the research problem, the objectives, methodology, results, and recommendations
  • Chapter one of this thesis or project materials contains the background to the study, the research problem, the research questions, research objectives, research hypotheses, significance of the study, the scope of the study, organization of the study, and the operational definition of terms.
  • Chapter two contains relevant literature on the issue under investigation. The chapter is divided into five parts which are the conceptual review, theoretical review, empirical review, conceptual framework, and gaps in research
  • Chapter three contains the research design, study area, population, sample size and sampling technique, validity, reliability, source of data, operationalization of variables, research models, and data analysis method
  • Chapter four contains the data analysis and the discussion of the findings
  • Chapter five contains the summary of findings, conclusions, recommendations, contributions to knowledge, and recommendations for further studies.
  • References: The references are in APA
  • Questionnaire

Chapter One of Feasibility Studies and Co-operative Formulation Investment Drive



For over a decade now, the Nigerian economy has been in dire strait or doldrums. The continued economic crunch has highlighted the need for feasibility studies before embarking on any project. Feasibility studies involved closer examination of cost and benefit of a project with a view to ascertain whether it is feasible, viable and profitable to undertake such a venture. The aim of this study is to let co operator and the general public know the importance of a feasibility report, in any business venture most especially cooperative business venture. The drive for investment can only take place when there is sufficient money or resources. The importance of a well prepared feasibility studies in the course of cooperative formation and investment drive cannot be overemphasized.

A well prepared feasibility studies can be used to obtain loan form banks and thus attract other investment, co operative project backed by good feasibility studies are difficult to wind up easily planning business is an absolute must says Banmbank (1992: 31). Having the right goods at the right place at the right time and prices is the accepted objective. He also believes that control is indispensable. The whole idea of a feasibility study or report compliments and facilitates these two all important functions in the business planning and control. Thus a feasibility study shows whether a propose business opportunity will succeed or rail after a careful consideration of alternative against the firms objective. Different view energy why people from or join a cooperative society or cooperative. Cooperative afford for socio – economically disadvantaged people an alternative way of doing business. It follows naturally that the intention or motive for establishing a sole trade, partnership or joint stock company are similar but not same for establishing a cooperative society.


According to Omuoha (1999:28) profit motive in the motivating factor for private entrepreneurs while service to member in the motivating force for cooperative the necessity for making a choice between investment alternative arises frequently in business decision (Ude 1990:64). Accordingly, it is necessary to appraise your project. To determine whether it is worth going into the business or not. For any project, these are alternative technologies, production equipment, building and other investment. As each decision is concluded the next issue is the problem of selecting the most viable of the various alternatives.


The spate of business failure in Enugu state is on the increase. According to Louck (1989:5) “to start a business is very easy but to stay in business is very difficult. Most businesses have failed due to lack of proper planning foresight by their promoters. This is most in the case of small scale business which are characterized by owner and personnel. The importance of feasibility studies in the course of cooperative formation and investment drive cannot be overemphasized or ignored. The failure of some co operative business venture deserve to be questioned: were feasibility studies prepared, how good were the feasibility studies, were the provisions well implemented, the nature of the staff quality etc. Their day to day operation usually are in the hands of the owners who may not posses the requisite know how. It is against this background that the wants to embark upon the research topic titled “feasibility studies and co operative formation / investment drive. (A study of the usefulness of feasibility studies in the course of co operative formation and investment drive).


The major objective of this study is to x – ray the usefulness of feasibility studies in the course of co operative formation and investment drive. The specific objective includes:

To identity the causes of business failure among co operatives

To identify the extent of the use of feasibility studies as a tool for investment selection among the co operatives

Identifying the content of a feasibility study

To identity uses and of feasibility report

To ascertain the relationship between feasibility studies and business performance among co operatives

To exmine factors which might hinder the attainment of the postulation of feasibility study

To ascertain the motives for joining or forming a cooperative society

To relate feasibility studies and co operative formation / investment drive

To identify moribund cooperative societies within the last decade in enugu state and the factors responsible

To identify the enterprising co operative business ventures and factor responsible

To identify the quality staff of cooperative.


This question inspired the research to carry out the study. They must be correctly answered in the course of this work. They are as follows:

Are people aware of the use of feasibility studies in project analysis?

Do people know that the use of feasibility studies is necessary for successful operation of a business?

Do people know that the use of feasibility studies can reduced the risk of sustaining lose in business?


A statistical hypothesis is a statement or assumption about an unknown population parameter Nwabuokei (1986:241).

The posited hypothesis for this study is as follows:

The use of feasibility study leads to a successful cooperative formation investment drive

The use of feasibility study can minimize the risk ob business failure among cooperative

The use of feasibility studies helps in optimal allocation of scarce resources

Feasibility report facilitates the chances of obtaining credit form lending institution.

Is there any relationship between feasibility study and business performance among the co operative.

What is the role of feasibility study in evaluating a business project

What is the attitude of people towards carrying out a feasibility report before embarking on a business ventures

What are the constraint militating against carrying out a feasibility study before engaging in a venture

Did those who carried out feasibility studies engage the service of consultant I experts or did they do it themselves

What is the relationship between feasibility studies and the profit of your society

What is the relationship between moribund co operative and feasibility studies?


This study will highlight on the relevance of feasibility studies and cooperative formation/ investment drives. This will be immense benefit to these wanting to engage in new venture. It will also helping minimizing business failure among cooperatives, since people will appreciate the need to embark on feasibility studies in the course of cooperative formation/ investment drive. Again apart from contributing to the existing literature on this topic, it will be of immense benefit to those who might like to undertake further studies on this topic or related issues. It is also hope that the adoption and implementation of the finding and recommendations of this study will in no doubt help significantly in boosting our economy through business success engendered by the use of feasibility studies among cooperatives.


LIMITATIONS: The study centers on feasibility study and cooperative formation/ investment Drive. Mainly the importance of feasibility report, motives for forming or joining a cooperative society/ investment Drive and feasibility studies. Sampled members of cooperative societies, management, and officials responsible for government departments charged with cooperative affairs were administered with questions. The researcher in the course of this work seriously encountered financial and time constraints. Exorbitant, unreasonable, high and great transportation cost, apathy, limited cooperative books, journals, and other publications. Higher level of risk of traveling by road and the geographical spread of the data base constituted limitations in themselves.


Feasibility Study A closer examination of the costs and benefit of a project to ascertain whether it is feasible, viable and profitable to undertake as a venture.

Feasibility Report A written documented plan or a blueprint of operation of a business project.

Investment Commitment of fund in the purchase of assets intended to yield future returns.

Project Plan to invest money in the purchase of assets or a combination of assets intended for installation to yield return in the business concern.

Cooperative Formation This has to do with ways by which cooperative society can be formed. That is step involved in forming a viable cooperative society.

Cooperative Society It is association of persons who have voluntary joined together to achieve a common end through the formation of a democratically contributed enterprise, making equitable contribution of the capital required and accepting a fair share of the risk and benefit of the undertaking in which members actively participate.


Baumback C.M (1992)
Basic Small Business Management. New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inco

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