Arts Education Project Topics

Examination of Parental Attitudes Towards the Education of the Physically Challenge Children

Examination of Parental Attitudes Towards the Education of the Physically Challenge Children


Abstract Of Examination of Parental Attitudes Towards the Education of the Physically Challenge Children

This research, is concern with the examination of parental attitudes towards the education of the physically challenged children in Argungu local government of Kebbi state.

A physically challenged child may be defined as a child who has disability of locomotors or neurological origin which constitutes disadvantages or restrictions in one or more aspect of daily living activities. It may be physical, cognitive, mental, sensory and emotional type. The disability may be congenital or acquired. Oxford dictionary defined disabled as people with permanent illness or injury that makes it difficult for them to use part of their body completely or easily. Also, Child Right Act Law (2006) defines a child as person who has not attained the aged of eighteen (18) years. Therefore, the physically challenged children are under age that need to be nurtured and assisted to overcome physically, emotional and mental challenges to developed into responsible adults. The researchers decided to use descriptive research design to asses the parental attitudes towards the education of the physically challenged children in Argungu.

The researchers found out that, the physically challenged children are being marginalized and discriminated in the society, denying their right to education. Majority of the parents developed negative attitudes towards the education of the physically challenged children and most of the physically challenged children do not received education. Consequently, majority of them end up in begging or stay in their homes useless. As a result the concerned children suffer lack of acceptance, discrimination, social marginalization etc. which highly affect their future lives.

Based on this, as a students of education we realized that it is necessary to make a research on this issue particularly in Argungu, for the purposed of given concrete information that will lead to developing positive attitudes of parents towards the education of the physically challenged children in Argungu local government and society at large.




Background to the study

It is an established fact that the importance of education to the development of any society cannot be over emphasized. The development of any society depends heavily on its level of education. According to Adelowo (2006) Education is the aggregate of all the processes by which a child or a young adult develops the abilities, attitudes and other forms of behavior which are of positive value to the society in which he lives. Dewey (2006) maintains that, education is wise, hopeful and respectful cultivation of learning undertaken in the belief that all should have the chance to share in life.

Similarly, Adedoja (2005) maintains that, education is the training of the entire person to enable him not only to be able to read and write or proficient in a given job, but also to enable him to fit himself for living in a society. Ahmad (2008) education is the process by which an individual born into a human society, learn the ways of life, which include knowledge, skills and values of the society, at home community and schools, so that he can function effectively as a member of the given society (Abosi, 2007).

In view of the above, it is therefore necessary to provide education for every member of the society regardless of any difference in order to achieve maximum development. In an attempt to provide education for all, the United Nations through the United National Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNICEF), United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNESCO) and other agencies are making efforts to make sure that all children received necessary education that will make them responsible members of the society. Government of different countries, non-governmental organizations are also making effort in this regard.



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