There is no gain saying that the novel corona virus has affected the social, political and economic sectors of countries. Ironically the financial institutions which is a sensitive sector of the economy are part of the most exposed groups to Covid -19 infectious disease in the course of rendering financial services to their clients and customers.The banking sector is an industry and a section of the economy devoted to the holding of financial assets for others and investing those financial assets as a leveraged way to create more wealth. In unprecedented times like this, it is expected that the management, employees and customers adhere to stipulated safety guideline in order to curb the spread of the Coronavirus.
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a newly emerged disease caused by a highly infectious novel Coronavirus which primarily affects the respiratory system. It was first seen in the Hubei province of China in December 2019.The disease was recognized as a global public health emergency by the World Health Organization (WHO) on March 11, 2020 (UNICEF 2020). The disease is clinically manifested by fever, cough, difficulty breathing, and other flu-like signs and symptoms including runny and stuffy nose, sneezing, and sore throat. In most of the cases, the disease shows mild to moderate manifestations, but it can lead to adverse outcomes including severe complications and/or death in some vulnerable individuals such as the elderly and those having underlying medical conditions.According to current evidences, COVID-19 virus is transmitted between people through respiratory droplets (particularly when coughing). Direct contact with an infected person or indirect contact, (touching a surface or object that has been contaminated with respiratory secretions) and then touching one’s own mouth, nose, or eyes is another route of transmission.
COVID-19 could potentially pose a challenge in the operation of banking sectors. On one end, banks sectors have had to quickly adjust their own operations in accordance with waves of lock downs and re-openings that vary by state and sometimes county. It costs money and creates potential operational deficiencies to migrate so many employees to fully remote work (Pricewater, 2020).Aside reopening of bank operation in the country, there is a rising need to comply to the safe measures to curb the spread of covid-19. These safety measures include washing of hands with water and soap, use of hand sanitizers, face mask and a screening equipment at the entrance of the bank premises. It is the sole responsibility of board of directors and stakeholders to make provision for facilities that is needed to comply to the safety measures.
Banking sectors as a whole have never had to adjust so much of their operations to prevailing circumstances in such a short period of time and across their entire footprints. Although change can introduce new risk into an environment coupled with several scrutiny in bank operation, it is necessary for both clients and staffs to imbibe the new safety guideline and adjust their routine to comply to the stipulated Covid-19 safety measures. In pandemic conditions with every employee and customer adopting new personal routines and behaviors simultaneous to the banking sector the potential risk of the spread of the infectious diseases is exponentially reduced. Thus it is on this premise that these study seek to examine the Covid-19 safety compliance level in the banking sector.
his study in general is set to assess the covid-19 safety compliance level in banking sector. Specifically it will:
- Assess the different established covid-19 safety prevention measures
- Investigate the various covid-19 safety measures banking sectors adhere to..
- Determine the level of covid-19 safety compliance in banking sectors in Nigeria.
- What are the different covid-19 safety measures established by Centre for Disease Control?
- What are the various covid-19 safety measures adhered to in Firstbank and Access Bank ?
What is the extent of Covid-19 safety compliance among staffs and customers in Firstbank and Access Bank?
This study would heighten the level of awareness of bank personnel and employees on the need to comply to the covid-19 safety measures as they are at a high risk exposure to the diseases while rendering financial services. It will compel board of directors, bank stakeholders, and top management of financial institutions to ensure they put up facilities and equipment that will enable the effective compliance to this Covid-19 safety measures. It will enable government to ensure that authorities involved like CDC task force to do a regular check on financial institutions to ensure that high compliance level is maintained which will reduce the spread of this novel disease. This study will further serve as a benchmark for further research.
This study would assess the COVID-19 safety compliance level among banking sector using First Bank Nigeria Plc and Access Bank Plc in Asaba, Delta State.
H0: The level of covid-19 safety compliance is low among banking sector
H1: The level of covid-19 safety compliance is high among banking sector
During the course of the study challenges encountered were exclusively but not delimited to the following numerous. These are
- Inadequate finance: the research was face with problem of inadequate fund which hinder the researcher from shuttering to Access Banks within Lagos more so in printing and collation of questionnaires
- Time: time factor pose another constraint since having to cope in this research which went simultaneously within the time schedule of other academic work making it impossible to undertake this study in large more representative skill
COVID-19:Corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is defined as illness caused by a novel corona virus called severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2.
BANKING SECTOR: The banking sector is an industry and a section of the economy devoted to the holding of financial assets for others and investing those financial assets as a leveraged way to create more wealth. The sector also includes the regulation of banking activities by government agencies, insurance, mortgages, investor services, and credit cards
SAFETY: the condition of being free and protected from risk or anything that is harmful
COMPLIANCE: compliance means adhering to stipulated rules, specifications, procedures, policies and laws