Marketing Project Topics

Evaluation of Effectiveness of Marketing Communication Mix Elements in Nigerian Service Sector





Organizations work to accomplish a certain task over an indefinite amount of time. Organizations should strive for innovative and profitable methods of doing corporate practices to meet corporate goals in order to stay in existence for a long time. The fight for sustainability and success in industry has grown more complex and challenging as a result of environmental dynamism and competition. The changing pattern and design of the service sector, along with the competitive climate, has created a slew of new and unique challenges for service marketing. Since service environments are dynamic and various influences influence experience, businesses must take a strategic marketing strategy to address these issues. External marketing, which deals with the relationship of the whole organization of the business with the consumer in terms of company commodity, price, distribution networks, and promotion activities, is required for a holistic marketing approach to services. Internal marketing is the process of gaining employees and other corporate stakeholders’ interest and loyalty to the company’s priorities and objectives (Lancaster and Reynolds, 2004). Interactive marketing deals with engagement with frontline employees with clients in terms of understanding and solving issues with customers attentively. Promotion, commonly known as brand communication, is one of the four P’s of the marketing mix. Organizations have to communicate with their potential clients about what they are doing. Since the essence of services is distinguished by the intangibility of the service offering, which is crucial to convincing consumers of the value of a commodity, marketing communication is both critical and difficult in the service sector. The intangibility of services has a slew of consequences for management. Marketing communication can be defined as all policies, techniques, and practices involved in delivering a desired marketing message to the intended target markets, regardless of the media used. Most service marketers have links to a variety of communication channels, which are referred to as the marketing communication combination. Advertising, informal touch, marketing and public affairs, brand promotion, educational materials, and business design are also part of the mix (Lovelock and Wirtz, 2004). The elements of the marketing engagement blend include knowledge and consultation, which are critical components in adding value to a product or service. Customers need details on the product’s or service’s characteristics, price, and accessibility in order to make an educated buying decision. Customers may believe they are purchasing a premium product or service if they are able to obtain the requisite details regarding the product in a timely and appropriate manner. This ensures that providing good and efficient communication channels brings importance to a company’s product or service when consumers trust their purchases. Taking into account the complexities of the service sector, the threats it poses to organisations, and the need to use a holistic communications strategy to successfully communicate with consumers, marketing communication practices have become increasingly important. Marketing communication tools are particularly valuable in service settings because they can generate compelling icons as well as a sense of authenticity, trust, and reassurance. While it would be prudent and necessary to measure the efficacy of all elements, the researchers focused on advertisement and personal sales because of the extensive use of these elements in the Nigerian service sector, as well as the need to target various styles of audiences, expenditure requirements, audience coverage, and effort requirements. Any investment must yield a profit for the investor. Organizations may determine whether or not a specific investment is worthwhile by evaluating its efficacy. Investment in advertising campaigns and sales force accounts for a sizable portion of an organization’s marketing budget. Advertising and sales force, in particular, aid in identifying flaws in existing marketing practices and taking corrective actions to improve marketing activity effectiveness and efficiency, because the effectiveness and efficiency of an organization’s marketing activities determine its success. In general, ads have the power to educate the general public, including current and potential customers, of a company’s products and services, and to compel them to visit the company’s production and delivery facilities for more detail and to make purchasing decisions. Service advertisements should have markers or tangible cues that serve as explicit indicators of the service’s abstract characteristics (Lacobucci. 2001). As a result, persuading consumers to purchase service goods is much more difficult than marketing industrial products. Personal selling, on the other hand, has the ability and incentive to convince anyone who may come to the company’s office with background knowledge regarding the business through company advertisements, as well as to answer client concerns and reservations about the service. Order-getting, order-taking, and order-support are the three basic sales activities of personal selling (Perreault and Mccarthy. 2002). In this case, According to the analyst, publicity attracts the pet, and personal sales assist in getting the pet to the intended destination.Personal sales is perhaps the most effective advertising tool for creating consumer relationships because of its immersive aspect. As a result, personal sale is the most effective communication method at some stages of the purchasing phase, especially when it comes to gaining a buyer’s interest, making decisions, and completing transactions. This is especially important for service businesses, especially in emerging and underdeveloped countries.


The most critical part of service marketing is good contact with consumers. We also have a weak understanding of the importance of good consumer marketing contact in recruiting and retaining new and existing consumers. Marketing communication tools are particularly valuable in service settings because they can generate compelling icons as well as a sense of authenticity, trust, and reassurance. While it would be prudent and necessary to measure the efficacy of all elements, the researchers focused on advertisement and personal sales because of the extensive use of these elements in the Nigerian service sector, as well as the need to target various styles of audiences, expenditure requirements, audience coverage, and effort requirements. Any investment must yield a profit for the investor. Organizations may determine whether or not a specific investment is worthwhile by evaluating its efficacy.

This study seeks to examine the effectiveness of marketing communication mix on the Nigerian service sector.


1.      To determine the effectiveness of the marketing communications mix on the Nigerian service sector.


2.      To proffer possible solutions to improve the existing communications between the service sector and customers.

3.      To determine whether the marketing communication mix has any impact on the customers of the service sector.


1.      What is the effectiveness of the marketing communication mix on the Nigerian service sector?

2.      What are the possible solutions to improve the existing communications between the service sector and customers?

3.      Does the marketing communication mix have any impact on the customers of the sector?


This study will be helpful to the Nigerian service sector in fully understanding the marketing communication mix and how it can be effective in reaching out to their various customers or clients. It will also be helpful to other researchers who wish to carry further in-depth research on the subject matter. It will be an addition to the academic world as it is of essence to the service sector.


This study will only cover the marketing communication mix and its effectiveness on the Nigerian service sector. Possible solutions as to how the marketing communication mix can be used to aid its communication with customers or clients.


The researcher was faced with insufficient funds and the necessary time to carry out this research in full depth.


1.      MARKETING: Marketing in this context, simply refers to the promotion of a company’s goods and services to ensure customers make a purchase.

2.      COMMUNICATION: Communication is the movement of information from organization to customer or client, in this context.

3.      MARKETIG COMMUNICATION MIX: Many of the mechanisms used to connect with your clients or future customers are included in the messaging blend. Advertisement, social networking, food packaging, direct marketing, blogs, festivals, and shows are also examples of how to do so.

SERVICE INDUSTRY: A service sector is an economic category that offers intangible services to meet a specific demand. Customers benefit from the services provided by companies in this sector.



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