Ethical Issues in Ghana Public Administration
Content Structure of Ethical Issues in Ghana Public Administration
- The abstract contains the research problem, the objectives, methodology, results, and recommendations
- Chapter one of this thesis or project materials contains the background to the study, the research problem, the research questions, research objectives, research hypotheses, significance of the study, the scope of the study, organization of the study, and the operational definition of terms.
- Chapter two contains relevant literature on the issue under investigation. The chapter is divided into five parts which are the conceptual review, theoretical review, empirical review, conceptual framework, and gaps in research
- Chapter three contains the research design, study area, population, sample size and sampling technique, validity, reliability, source of data, operationalization of variables, research models, and data analysis method
- Chapter four contains the data analysis and the discussion of the findings
- Chapter five contains the summary of findings, conclusions, recommendations, contributions to knowledge, and recommendations for further studies.
- References: The references are in APA
- Questionnaire
Background To The Study
Ethics is defined as the basic principles of rules of conduct and right action (Chapman, 1993). It is moral characteristics that are either present or absent. The concept of ethics in the public service has become a significant issue in modern times. This is because the image and success of a government depend upon the conduct of its public officers and the perception of the public about the conduct of public officers. The duties of Public officers are therefore to act in a just and fair manner in the conduct of their service. The personal self-interest of public officials should be subordinated to the interest of the public to which they serve especially in areas of conflict of interest .Also their private conduct should be of high ethical standards enhance government reputation and image. (Chapman, 1993; Rohr, 1978; Kernighan, 1980). Secondly, the maintenance of good ethical values in governance attracts foreign aids, support and acceptance. (Dwivedi, 1987; Caiden 1981).The research therefore seek to investigate Ethical issues in Ghana Public Administration
Statement of the Problem
The concept of ethics in the public service has become a significant issue in modern times. This is because the image and success of a government depend upon the conduct of its public officers and the perception of the public about the conduct of public officers. The duties of Public officers are therefore to act in a just and fair manner in the conduct of their service. The personal self-interest of public officials should be subordinated to the interest of the public to which they serve especially in areas of conflict of interest. Also their private conduct should be of high ethical standards enhance government reputation and image. (Chapman, 1993; Rohr, 1978; Kernighan, 1980). Secondly, the maintenance of good ethical values in governance attracts foreign aids, support and acceptance. (Dwivedi, 1987; Caiden 1981).
The wide trend of corruption and abuse of public office by government official in developing countries has dissuaded the international communities from international investment and cooperation. Consequently there is a global call for ethical standard in the conduct of governance in Africa. Political Governance all over the world is calling for transparency and accountability in government through sound ethical standards and observance by political office holders. Consequently in view of the activities of some corrupt office holders in government it is expected that a study of this nature shall seek to address this ethical misconduct and proffer the needed recommendation to redress ethical misconduct in political governance. (Graham, 1974; Hanekon, 1986).Therefore the problem confronting the research is to appraise the Ethical issue in Ghana public Administration.
Objectives of the Study
To determine the Ethical issues in Ghana Public Administration
Research Questions
What are the conceptual issues in Ethics in public administration?
What is the level of compliance of Ethical Issues in Ghana Public Administration?
Significance of the Study
Political Governance all over the world is calling for transparency and accountability in government through sound ethical standards and observance by political office holders. Consequently in view of the activities of some corrupt office holders in government it is expected that a study of this nature shall seek to address this ethical misconduct and proffer the needed recommendation to redress ethical misconduct in political governance.
Research Hypothesis
Ho The Ethical Standard in Ghana Public Administration is Low
Hi The Ethical Standard in Ghana Public Administration is high
Scope of the Study
The study focuses on the appraisal of The Ethical Issues in Ghana Public Administration
Limitations of the Study
The research was confronted by geographical constraint and logistics.
Definition of Terms
Ethics can be defined as the basic principles of right action and rules of conduct (Chapman, 1993). The concept of ethics in the public service has become a significant issue in modern times. The duties of Public officers are therefore to act in a just and fair manner in the conduct of their service
This is an office which independently receives and investigates allegations of maladministration
Value constitutes peoples idea of what is acceptable or unacceptable or virtuous or without virtue. It is the importance people attribute to experiences, activities, or phenomena, and which provide guideline for their personal conduct (Dwivedi, 1978).
The is regarded as the special favour granted to relations, friends to public
Positions, without consideration to the principle of merit and which may result poor quality of t public service
This constitute the misuse of public funds and resources for personal gains
Ajuogu, M.O. (1983) “Ethical Dilemmas of Public Sector Executives in Developing Countries”, International Review of Administrative Sciences, vol. 4: 287-392.
Ayee, J.R.A. (1997) “A code of conduct for public officials: the Ghanaian experience 1992-96”, International Review of Administrative Sciences, vol. 63, n°. 3 (September): 369è375).
Bailey, S.K. (1964) “Ethics