Quantity Surveying Project Topics

Employer (Client) Contribution to Delay in Building Construction Project

Employer (Client) Contribution to Delay in Building Construction Project


Chapter One of Employer (Client) Contribution to Delay in Building Construction Project


Chapter One of Employer (Client) Contribution to Delay in Building Construction Project



A major criticism facing the Nigerian construction industry is the growing rate of delays in project delivery. Delay is a situation where the contractor and the project owner jointly or severally contribute to the non completion of the project   within the original or stipulated or agreed contract period (Aibinu and Jagboro, 2002).  Untimely completion of building projects has been found to be a major setback in the construction industry. This in most cases is normally due to delays that may have occurred during the execution stage of the project, (Odusami and Olusanya 2000).

Delay is the most common and costly problem encountered on public projects (Alkass et al 1995). states that delays on a construction site are normally inevitable and as a result many claims arise with few of them ending up in litigation. Thus the industry needs to develop methodologies and techniques to prevent and more efficiently resolve delay claims.  According to Mohammed (2008) delay can be broadly considered in three headings


i.            Delay caused by the contractor.

ii.            Delay caused by the employer.

iii.            Delay due to causes outside the both; concurrent delay and acts of God.

Merzher et-al  (2000). Conducted a survey of the causes of delay in construction industry in Lebanon from the view point of owners/client, contractors and Architectural/Engineering firms, it was found out that owners had more concerns with regard to financial issues to be the most important, while consultants considered project management issues to be the most important causes of delay.

Giwa (1987) in (shirinkpo 1999)  stated that projects suffer delay because of the clients over projection of revenue expectation during periods of project planning feasibility studies, cost planning etc, Mohammed (2008). Delay in construction projects may result from many circumstances and factors construction projects are works that have been set to be carried out at a designed schedule or period. But delay occurs in almost every construction project and the magnitude of these delays varies considerably from one project to another. Some projects are delayed over a year and some a few days behind schedule. Thereby it is essential to minimize and avoid delay in any construction projects.


                 In construction projects the owner of the project (employer/client) always expects to achieve their desired intentions at the agreed time, cost, and  to his satisfaction, in  project delivery, but delay has been identified as a major problem that hampers on the growth and development of the construction industry in Nigeria giwa (1987). in Izam and bustani (2001).


The aim of this project is to identify the degree of significance of the factors pertinent to employer’s contribution to delay on building projects from the perception of professionals.

  1. To identify the factors that contributes to delay by the employer.
  2. To identify the effects of the factors that contributes to delay by the employer.


            The findings in this research will be useful to clients and other stakeholders that take part in construction industry as it will help to point out factors that cause delay by the client on construction projects. The study will also help the clients on how to plan well, and avoid any means of causing delay by them on the execution of the project.




In this study delay shall be considered based on client related delay, According to Odusami and Olusanya (2000). This research focuses on both government and private owned projects. This research work deals with both the pre and post contract activities as related to delays. It is however limited to the study of delay caused by only one party to the contract (the employer). It does not look at those caused by the contractor, consultants or any third party. The research centers on only building construction projects on both public and private projects located within Zaria and Kaduna metropolis.



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