Sociology Project Topics

Emotional Resilience: the Survival Strategy for Today’s Nigeria





People all across the globe are subjected to extreme stressors like as war, earthquakes, and terrorist attacks, as well as adversities such as poverty and family disturbances, all of which have detrimental consequences on later developmental pathways (Weichold & Sharma 2011). Individuals, on the other hand, respond differently to these pressures (Basim & Cetin 2010). Others, on the other hand, demonstrate skill, boldness, and other good results instead of maladjustment or problem behavior. Individuals who have responded well to such life pressures have been labeled as resilient in the literature (Basim & Cetin 2010).

Emotional resilience is a psychological concept that describes an individual’s ability to cope with challenging life conditions and succeed in the face of adversity (Cicchetti 2003). “…both the capacity of individuals to navigate their way to the psychological, social, cultural, and physical resources that sustain their well-being, and their capacity individually and collectively to negotiate for these resources to be provided in culturally meaningful ways,” according to another definition of emotional resilience (Ungar 2011). Emotional resilience is vital in a person’s ability to adjust to adverse life circumstances (Wald et al. 2006). Thus, emotional resilience and individual abilities such as the capacity to develop meaningful and productive attachments, self-regulation, and the capacity to behave in socially acceptable ways with members of a larger group or community are linked (Luthar 2006; Ungar 2011).

Individuals are exposed to hard, tough, and sometimes life-threatening occurrences all around the globe, and Nigerians are no exception, with the recent wave of unemployment, insecurity, and insurgents. Individuals display diverse behavioral responses in the face of these problems, which beg the question of how Nigerians do in terms of emotional resilience, especially given the multiple severe circumstances they confront. So far, there seems to be little research on emotional resilience among Nigerians, with just a few studies focusing on general coping responses and adaptations. As a result, there is a need to fill a vacuum in the literature by looking at emotional resilience among Nigerians.

Emotional resilience may give the ability to survive in the face of adverse life conditions (Wang et al. 1994); it develops a feeling of competence, strong self-esteem (Wasonga as al. 2003), a strong sense of purpose, and enhanced academic performance (Wasonga et al. 2003). As a result, emotional resilience may provide answers for enhancing life quality as well as the education of kids who are likely to have negative attitudes about life or who lack the bravery to confront their life obstacles. It’s worth noting that much of our current understanding of emotional resilience comes from the developmental psychology literature, with much of the research focusing on children and adolescents who are at risk of being exposed to stressful life experiences, or who have already been exposed to them (e.g. Garmezy 1991). There is a need to expand emotional resilience research to other groups, notably Nigerians, both adults and youth, who are at a higher risk of suffering or witnessing traumatic experiences (Asmundson et al. 2002).



As a Positive Psychological concept, emotional resilience refers to a person’s ability to deal well with unpleasant or stressful circumstances as well as their ability to overcome them. Gender is a key predictor of emotional resilience, according to an assessment of the research on the subject. Men, for example, have been shown to have higher levels of emotional resilience than women (Boardman et al. 2008); teenage males have also been shown to have higher levels of emotional resilience than teenage females (Boardman et al. 2008). Emotional resilience in Nigeria might be a strong factor keeping most Nigerians mentally stable and able to carry on with their daily activities.

The concept of emotional resilience has received a lot of attention in Western nations, but it has received less attention in underdeveloped nations, notably Nigeria. This research looks at emotional resilience amongst Nigerians. This study seeks to understand emotional resilience as it relates to survival in Nigeria.


The primary aim of this research is to understand emotional resilience as it relates to survival in Nigeria. Thus, the following objectives;

1. To determine whether emotional resilience has helped the survival rate of Nigerians.

2. To determine whether emotional resilience is of essence in survival in today’s Nigeria.

3. To gather public opinion on emotional resilience and whether it has has helped them survive.


The following questions guide this study;

1. Has emotional resilience helped the survival rate of Nigerians?

2. Is emotional resilience is of essence in survival in today’s Nigeria?

3. What are the people’s view on emotional resilience and has it helped them survive?


There has been limited works on emotional resilience and a few on Nigeria; this study therefore will prove to be an addition to the academic world as it will provide materials on emotional resilience and how it affects the survival of the Nigerian populace. It will also create awareness on the need for individuals to understand the importance of emotional resilience.


This study will only cover emotional resilience as it is a survival strategy for Nigerians. Public opinion on the subject matter will also be looked into in this research.


The limitation faced by the researcher in carrying out this research was lack of funds and insufficient time to delve deeper into the concept of emotional resilience.


1. EMOTIONAL RESILIENCE: The ability to mentally or emotionally cope with a crisis or to return to pre-crisis status quickly. Resilience exists when the person uses mental processes and behaviors in promoting personal assets and protecting self from the potential negative effects of stressors.

2. SURVIVAL: The state or fact of continuing to live or exist, typically in spite of an accident, ordeal, or difficult circumstances.



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