Abstract Of Effects of Vernonia Amygdalyna Ethyl Acetate Fraction on Intestinal Glucose Absorption in Alloxan Induced Diabetic Adult Wistar Rats
Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia caused by insulin deficiency or insulin resistance. This study evaluated the effects of ethyl acetate fraction of Venonia Amygdalina extract on glucose absorption in alloxan induced diabetes in adult Wistar rats. Twenty (20) rats weighing between 150g -180g were used for the study and were grouped into four groups (n=5). Group 1 (control) were only fed with growers mash and water daily. Group 2 were diabetic control. Group 3 rats were non-diabetic and treated with 1ml of Venonia Amygdalina extract. Group 4 rats were diabetic and treated with 1ml of Venonia Amygdalina extract. 40mg/kg intraperitoneal injection of Alloxan solution was used to induce diabetes mellitus in this animal model. After 8days of Venonia Amygdalina administration, glucose absorption in the small intestine was determined by everted sac method where a part of the small intestine was inserted into a Kreb’s bicarbonate solution in an aerated flask and incubated for 30 minutes and the glucose absorption by the tissue is accessed by spectrophotometer. Data from this study were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 21) software and expressed as Mean ± Standard Error of the mean (SEM) using ANOVA with significant level at P<0.05. The result shows a reduction in blood glucose level in diabetic rats treated with Venonia Amygdalina extract. This may be attributed to inhibitory action of Venonia Amygdalina on glucose transporters (SLGT-1 and GLUT-2) while subsequently increasing sodium ion (Na+) transport. Conclusively, Venonia Amygdalina has hypoglycemic potential which were evidenced in the reduced blood glucose level observed in this study.