Abstract Of Effects of Three Selected Spices: Alligator Pepper, Cloves and Ginger on the Quality Attributes of Kunun-zaki
Additives used in food processing can be natural or synthetic in nature. The use of natural additives in food processing has been encouraged due to the health hazards, non-nutritiveness and high cost usually associated with their synthetic counterparts. Hence, this research work is aimed at determining the effects of three selected natural additives-spices (alligator pepper, cloves and ginger) on the quality attributes of kunun-zaki in order to encourage the use of natural additives and to establish their best concentrations for the production of kunnu –zaki. Kunun-zaki samples of different concentrations of spices: Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum), Ginger (Zingiber officinale) and Alligator pepper (Aframumom danielli) at 0% (control), 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5%, 2.0% and 2.5% of each spice were produced. Samples were stored at room (RT) and refrigerated temperature (ReT) respectively. Chemical, mineral (heavy metals), pesticide residues, microbiological and sensory evaluations were carried out on the samples for four storage days using standard methods. All the spices had various effects on the quality of Kunu-zaki produced. For the pH, specify gravity and sucrose, gradual decrease in values was observed during the first two storage days (ranging from 3.32-5.48 (RT); 6.00 -7.71(ReT); 1.0110-1.0255(RT), 2.5-1.0255 (ReT) and 0.20 – 0.15(RT), 0.77- 0.85 (ReT) respectively followed by increase in the values for the remaining storage days. For the titratable acidity, volatile acidity and free fatty acids, gradual increase in the values were observed (ranging from 0.51- 1.29(RT); 1.37 -1.40 (ReT) and 0.12 – 0.92 (RT); 0.12- 0.17 (ReT), 0.01-0.14(RT); 0.01-0.04(ReT) respectively. The control samples showed a higher rate of decrease and increase in each case. Chemically, 2.0% treated samples stored at refrigerated temperature gave better results (keep longer) than the other concentrations stored at room temperature. For the minerals (heavy metals): Lead, cadmium and Chromium were not detected but Zinc had values of 0.001 for the whole samples. Pesticide residues: Hexachlorobenzene (HCB), Lindane, Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloroethane(DDT), Aldrin, Heptachlor, Endrin, Heptachlor Epoxide and Chlorodane ) though present in minute quantity, were found to decrease as the concentration of spices increased, with 2% and 2.5% being most effective on the average. The three spices were able to effectively control the microbial growth for the first three days, while visible growth were observed for the other days in samples stored at RT and less with the samples stored at ReT. Sensory evaluations showed that there were no significant difference in colour, taste and flavour with the samples but the mean values showed that sample treated at 1.5%, 2.0% and 2.5% were generally accepted with 2.0 % concentration mostly acceptable. Kunun-zaki produced at 2% concentration of the spices and stored at refrigerated temperature maintained the chemical constituents of the product and exhibits the neutralization of the heavy metals. There was also reduction of pesticide residues and suppression of microbial growth. Therefore, it can be concluded that kunun- zaki be produced at 2% concentration of these spices and be store at refrigerated temperature.
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Justification 4
1.3 Aim and Objectives 4
2.1 Beverages 6
2.1.1 Composition of Beverages 7
2..1.2 Utilization of Beverages 8
2.2 Types of Beverages 9
2.2.1 Carbonated non-alcoholic Beverages 9
2.2.2 Non-carbonated, non-alcholic Beverages 9
2.2.3 Alcholic Beverages 9
2.2.5 Kunun 10
2.2.6 Types of Kunun 10 Kunun Gyada 10 Kunun Akamu 11 Kunun Aya 11 Kunun Tsamiya 11 Kunun Tsir 11 Kunun zaki 12 Utilization of kunun-zaki 12 Composition of kunun-zaki 12
2.2.7 Sorghum 12 Composition of Sorghum Grain 13 Utilization of Sorghum Grain 15
2.2.8 Millet 15 Composition of millet (Pebbisetum typhodeum) 16
2.3 Processing of Kunun-zaki 18
2.4 Food Additives 21
2.4.1 Food Preservatives 21
2.4.2 Chemical Preservatives and Criticisms 21
2.4.3 Nutraceuticals 22
2.5 Spices and Herbs 22
2.5.1 Alligator pepper (Aframomum danielli) 24
2.5.2 Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum) 24
2.5.3 Black pepper (Piper guineense) 27
2.5.4 Ginger (Zingiber officinale) 28
2.6 Application of Spices in Food beverages Production 31
2.6.1 Effects of Adanielli on Kunun-zaki 31
2.6.2 Effect of A. denielli on carrot juice 31
3.1 Materials 32
3.2 Methods 32
3.2.1 Preparation of Spices 32
3.2.2 Preparation of Extract 32
3.2.3 Production of kunun-zaki 34
3.2.4 Treatment of kunun-zaki with the Cold Extracts of Spices 34
3.3 Analyses 35
3.3.1 Chemical Analysis 35 pH 35 Titratable Acidity 35 Specify Gravity 35 Sugar (Sucrose) 35
3.3.2 Minerals 36
3.3.3 Pesticides Residue Determination 37
3.3.4 Microbial Analysis 37 Total Viable Count 37 Coliform Count 38 Salmonella 38
3.3.5 Sensory Analysis 38
4.1a Effect of Cloves (Syzgium aromaticum) Addition on the pH of
kunun-zaki Stored at Room and Refrigerated Temperature 39
4.1b Effect of Cloves ((Syzgium aromaticum) Addition on the Specific
Gravity of Kunun-zaki Stored at Room and Refrigerated Temperature 40
4.1c Effect of Cloves ((Syzgium aromaticum) Addition on the Sucrose Level
of Kunun-zaki Stored at Room and Refrigerated Temperature 41
4.1d Effect of Cloves ((Syzgium aromaticum) Addition on the Titratable
Acidity of Kunun-zaki Stored at Room and Refrigerated Temperature 42
4.1e Effect of Cloves ((Syzgium aromaticum) Addition on the Volatile
Acidity of Kunun-zaki Stored at Room and Refrigerated Temperature 42
4.2a Effect of Ginger (Zingiber officinale) Additions on the pH of
kunun-zaki Stored at Room and Refrigerated Temperature 49
4.2b Effect of Ginger (Zingiber officinale) Additions on the Specify Gravity
of Kunun-zaki Stored at Room and Refrigerated Temperature 49
4.2c Effect of Ginger (Zingiber officinale) Additions on the Sugar Level of
kunun-zaki Stored at Room and Refrigerated Temperature 50
4.2d Effect of Ginger (Zingiber officinale) Additions on the Titratale Acidity
of Kunun-zaki Stored at Room and Refrigerated Temperature 50
4.2e Effect of Ginger (Zingiber officinale) Additions on the Volatile Acidity
of Kunun-zaki Stored at Room and Refrigerated Temperature 51
4.3a Effect of Alligator Pepper (Afrmumom danielli) Additions on the pH
of Kunun-zaki Stored at Room and Refrigerated Temperature 57
4.3b Effect of Alligator Pepper (Afrmumom danielli) Additions on the Specific Gravity of Kunun-zaki Stored at Room and Refrigerated Temperature 57
4.3c Effect of Alligator Pepper (Afrmumom danielli) Additions on the
Sugar Level of Kunun-zaki Stored at Room and Refrigerated Temperature 57
4.3d Effect of Alligator Pepper (Afrmumom danielli) Additions on the Titratable
of Kunun-zaki Stored at Room and Refrigerated Temperature 58
4.3e Effect of Alligator Pepper (Afrmumom danielli) Additions on the Volatile Acidity of Kunun-zaki Stored at Room and Refrigerated Temperature 58
4.4 Effect of the Spices on Microbial Population 64
4.5 Efect of the Spcies on Some Heavy Metals in Kunun-zaki 71
4.6 Some Pesticides residues in Kunun-zaki 74
4.7 Effect of the Spices (Cloves, Ginger and Alligator Pepper) on Sensory Characteristics of Kunun-zaki 80
5.1 Conclusion 83
5.2 Recommendation 83
References 84
Appendix 90
Figure Page
2.1 Flow chart for traditional processing of kunun-zaki 19
2.2 Flow chart for Improved Kunun-zaki production process 20
3.1 Flow chart for production of spcies extract 33
Tables Pages
2.1 Typical Composition of Sorghum Grain 14
2.2 Typical Chemical Composition for Millet Grain 17
4.1a Effect of Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum) addition on the
pH of Kunun-zaki stored at Room and Refrigerated Temperature 44
4.1b Effect of Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum) addition on the Specific
Gravity of Kunun-zaki stored at Room and Refrigerated Temperature 45
4.1c Effect of Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum) addition on the Sucrose
level of Kunun-zaki stored at Room and Refrigerated Temperature 46
4.1d Effect of Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum) addition on the Total
Titrale of Kunun-zaki stored at Room and Refrigerated Temperature 47
4.1e Effect of Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum) addition on the Volatile
Acidity of Kunun-zaki stored at Room and Refrigerated Temperature 48
4.2a. Effect of Ginger (Zingiber officinale) addition on the pH of kunun-zaki
stored at Room Refrigerated Temperature 52
4.2b Effect of Ginger (Zingiber officinale) addition on the Specific
Gravity of kunun-zaki stored at Room Refrigerated Temperature 53
4.2c. Effect of Ginger (Zingiber officinale) addition on the Sucrose
of kunun-zaki stored at Room Refrigerated Temperature 54
4.2d Effect of Ginger (Zingiber officinale) addition on the Total
Titratable of kunun-zaki stored at Room Refrigerated Temperature 55
4.2e Effect of Ginger (Zingiber officinale) addition on the Volatile
Acidity of kunun-zaki stored at Room Refrigerated Temperature 56
4.3a Effect of Alligator pepper (A.danielli) addition on the pH of
kunun-zaki Stored at Room and Refrigerated Temperature 59
4.3b Effect of Alligator pepper (A.danielli) addition on the Specific Gravity
of kunun-zaki Stored at Room and Refrigerated Temperature 60
4.3c Effect of Alligator pepper (A.danielli) addition on the Sucrose level
of kunun-zaki Stored at Room and Refrigerated Temperature 61
4.3d Effect of Alligator pepper (A.danielli) addition on the Total Titratable
of kunun-zaki Stored at Room and Refrigerated Temperature 62
4.3e Effect of Alligator pepper (A.danielli) addition on the Volatile Acidity
of kunun-zaki Stored at Room and Refrigerated Temperature 63
4.4a Effect of Cloves in the Microbial Population Stored at Room Temperature 65
4.4b Efect of Cloves in the Microbial Population Stored at Refrigerated
Temperature 66
4.4c Effect of Ginger on the Microbial Population Stored at Room Temperature 67
4.4d Effect of Ginger in the Microbial Population Stored at Refrigerated
Temperature 68
4.4e Effect of Alligator in the Microbial Population Stored at Room
Temperature 69
4.4f Effect of Alligator in the Microbial Population Stored at
Refrigerated Temperature 70
4.5a Permissibles Levels of Metallic Contaminnats in kunun-zaki 72
4.5b Effect of the Spices on some heavy Metals in Kunun-zaki Samples 73
4.6a Effects of Pesticide Residue in Kunun-zaki 77
4.6b Maximum Pesticide Residue Limit for Cereals 78
4.6c Maximum Pesticide residue Limit for Drinking Water 79
4.7a Effect of the Spices (Cloves, Ginger and Alligator Pepper)
on Sensory characteristics of kunun-zaki 81
Appendix Page
4.1a Effect of Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum) Addition on the
pH of Kunun-zaki Stored at Room Temperature 90
4.1b Effect of Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum) Addition on the
pH of Kunun-zaki Stored at Refrigerated Temperature 90
4.1c Effect of Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum) Addition on the
Specific Gravity of Kunun-zaki Stored at Room Temperature 91
4.1d Effect of Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum) Addition on the
Specific Gravity of Kunun-zaki Stored at Refrigerated Temperature 91
4.1e Effect of Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum) Addition on the
Sugar Level of Kunun-zaki Stored at Room Temperature 92
4.1f Effect of Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum) Addition on the
Sugar Level of Kunun-zaki Stored at Refrigerated Temperature 92
4.1g Effect of Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum) Addition on the Total
Titratale Acidity (TTA) of Kunun-zaki Stored at Room Temperature 93
4.1h. Effect of Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum) Addition on the Total
Titratale Acidity (TTA) of Kunun-zaki Stored at Refrigerated
Temperature 93
4.1i Effect of Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum) Addition on the Volatile
Acidity (VA) of Kunun-zaki Stored at Room Temperature 94
4.1j Effect of Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum) Addition on the Volatile
Acidity (VA) of Kunun-zaki Stored at Refrigerated Temperature 94
4.2a Effect of Ginger (Zingiber officinale) Addition on the pH of
kunun-zaki Stored at Room Temperature 95
4.2b Effect of Ginger (Zingiber officinale) Addition on the pH of
kunun-zaki Stored at Refrigerated Temperature 95
4.2c Effect of Ginger (Zingiber officinale) Addition on the Specific Gravity
of kunun-zaki Stored at Room Temperature 96
4.2d Effect of Ginger (Zingiber officinale) Addition on the Specific Gravity
of kunun-zaki Stored at Refrigerated Temperature 96
4.2e Effect of Ginger (Zingiber officinale) Addition on the Sugar Level of
kunun-zaki Stored at Room Temperature 97
4.2f Effect of Ginger (Zingiber officinale) Addition on the Sugar Level of
kunun-zaki Stored at Refrigerated Temperature 97
4.2g Effect of Ginger (Zingiber officinale) Addition on the Titratable Acidity
of kunun-zaki Stored at Room Temperature 98
4.2h Effect of Ginger (Zingiber officinale) Addition on the Titratable Acidity
of kunun-zaki Stored at Refrigerated Temperature 98
4.2i Effect of Ginger (Zingiber officinale) Addition on the Volatile Acidity
(VA) of kunun-zaki Stored at Room Temperature 99
4.2j Effect of Ginger (Zingiber officinale) Addition on the Volatile Acidity
(VA) of kunun-zaki Stored at Refrigerated Temperature 99
4.3a Effect of Alligator Pepper (A.danielli) Addition on the pH of
kunun-zaki Stored at Room Temperature 100
4.3b Effect of Alligator Pepper (A.danielli) Addition on the pH of
kunun-zaki Stored at Refrigerated Temperature 100
4.3c Effect of Alligator Pepper (A.danielli) Addition on the Specific Gravity
of kunun-zaki Stored at Room Temperature 101
4.3d Effect of Alligator Pepper (A.danielli) Addition on the Specific Gravity
of kunun-zaki Stored at Refrigerated Temperature 101
4.3e Effect of Alligator Pepper (A.danielli) Addition on the Sugar Level
of kunun-zaki Stored at Room Temperature 102
4.3f Effect of Alligator Pepper (A.danielli) Addition on the Sugar Level
of kunun-zaki Stored at Refrigerated Temperature 102
4.3g Effect of Alligator Pepper (A.danielli) Addition on the Total Titratable
Acidity (TTA) of kunun-zaki Stored at Room Temperature 103
4.3h Effect of Alligator Pepper (A.danielli) Addition on the Total Titratable
Acidity (TTA) of kunun-zaki Stored at Refrigerated Temperature 103
4.3i Effect of Alligator Pepper (A.danielli) Addition on the Volatile Acidity
(VA) of kunun-zaki Stored at Room Temperature 104
4.3j Effect of Alligator Pepper (A.danielli) Addition on the Volatile Acidity
(VA) of kunun-zaki Stored at Refrigerated Temperature 104