Abstract Of Effect of Spices Extract Ginger, Extract Garlic and Salt Concentration on the Microbial Load of Locust Bean Seeds (Parkia Biglobosa)
Effect of spices (garlic and ginger extract) and salt concentration on the microbial load associated with process ‘Iru’ (Pakia biglobosa) were investigated. The raw locust bean (RLB) had the highest total viable counts of 1.8 x 106 Cfu/g. Fermented locust bean (FLB) had 3.4 x 105 cfulg while FLBGIN (Fermented locust bean with giger) had 2.8 x 104 cfu/g. Femented locust bean with garlie (FLBGAR) had 3.8 x 104 cfu/g while FLBS (fermented locust bean with salt concentration) had 2.0 x 104 FLBS had the lowest bacterial load. FLB had the highest total colifiran count 6.4 x 104 cfu/g while FLBS had the lowest 1.3 x 103 cful/g. the RLB had coliform count of 4.1 x 104 cfu/g. FLBGN and FLBGAR had total colifirm count 3.6 x 103 cfu/g, 7.2 x 103 cfu/g respectively. Six bacteria were associated with locust bean. They are Bacillus sp, Pseudomones sp, proteins sp, Fcauobacfesium sp, Enterobacter sp and Aeromohas sp. Fermented locust bean with salt had the least and lowest bacterial load. Salt is the best preservative on process ‘iru’ (Parkia biglobosa).