Office Technology Project Topics

Effect of Office Environment on Secretary’s Productivity

Effect of Office Environment on Secretary's Productivity


Effect of Office Environment on Secretary’s Productivity


Content Structure of Effect of Office Environment on Secretary’s Productivity

  • The abstract contains the research problem, the objectives, methodology, results, and recommendations
  • Chapter one of this thesis or project materials contains the background to the study, the research problem, the research questions, research objectives, research hypotheses, significance of the study, the scope of the study, organization of the study, and the operational definition of terms.
  • Chapter two contains relevant literature on the issue under investigation. The chapter is divided into five parts which are the conceptual review, theoretical review, empirical review, conceptual framework, and gaps in research
  • Chapter three contains the research design, study area, population, sample size and sampling technique, validity, reliability, source of data, operationalization of variables, research models, and data analysis method
  • Chapter four contains the data analysis and the discussion of the findings
  • Chapter five contains the summary of findings, conclusions, recommendations, contributions to knowledge, and recommendations for further studies.
  • References: The references are in APA
  • Questionnaire


According to Oxford Advance Learners Dictionary, “environment is defined as the natural conditions in which people, animals and plants lives”.  Environment can also be defined as “all the surrounding things, conditions, and influences affecting the growth or development of living things”.  It is the act or fact of surrounding in other words, environment means the surrounding in which living things live.  Therefore, environment for the purpose of this research refers to the office environment.  This type of environment gives secretaries good  working relationship and enhance high productivity.
The secretary’s environment can be divided into two:


  • Immediate environment
  • Remote environment
  • Immediate environment:  refers to the secretary’s very office and other offices, of the same organization
  • The Remote environment:  means the outside environment of the secretary’s office or building that has a negative effect such as, ventilation, noise, temperature, over crowding, cleanliness, lighting, attitude of office colleagues etc.  It is therefore, a prime importance for employers to make environment as conducive as possible for the secretary’s higher productivity which is ultimate goal of any employer.  Creating selection, arrangement, and use of sample physical surrounding chairs, tables, storage, lighting, decorating and other physical element that comprises your personal office are mans of enhancing competences as well as the image of an organization.

In the light of above this research will focuses on the effects of environment on secretary’s productivity, it will look at some of the areas like poor ventilation, lighting, cleanliness, internal noise, heating all these are factors that can affect the productivity of working secretary in an office environment.


To determine the extend which the environment factors such as noise, ventilation, lack of enough space in the office and equipment can hinder the performance of secretary in an organization.


I.       To find out and ascertain the effect of environment condition to the working secretary in an organization.
II.      To encourage the organization to acquire more office automation for effectives efficiency of secretary
III.     To provide organization with mores ideas for a conducive environment for the workers


i.        Does lack of constant power supply in an office affect the performance of a secretary?
ii.       Does too much noise in an office affect the secretary’s productivity?
iii.      Does an office which is not clean and tidy, brings about low productivity?
iv.      Do stuffy environment causes drowsiness, which in turn produces less accurate work?


The research work is limited to the case study that is the Federal Polytechnic Kaura Namoda.


The study therefore, will highly be concentrated on factors that affect performance of secretaries in the Federal Polytechnic Kaura Namoda


The research is to identify the importance of office environment, know the effect of environmental condition in the life of working secretary, and also to fulfill the following:

  • To serve as a criteria or form of reference to secretaries in an organization
  • To aid students who may wish to conduct research on project that relates to this topic.


The Federal Polytechnic, Kaura Namoda, Zamfara State was formulated, established by the then Executive President of Nigeria Alhaji Shehu Shagari in June 1983 vide a decree no 33 of 25 July 1979 as amended in 1985 with others.  The Polytechnic is situated in Kaura Namoda Local Government that covers an area of 4.98 square kilometers and has a population of 370,367 according to 1991 Population Census figures, among the pioneer local government that was created in 1967.  The objective of the polytechnic is specified in the decree as follows; to provide full time or part time courses as instruction and training in:

  • Technology; applied science, commerce and management
  • And in such other fields or approved learning relevant to the need of the development in Nigeria in the areas of individual and agricultural production and distribution.
  • And for research on the development of adaptation which may from time to time be determined.
  • To arrange conference, seminars and the study group relevant to the field of learning.

The polytechnic has two campuses know as “ACADA” which is situated at the northwest of the town, while the “MAIN CAMPUS” is situated along Shinkafi Road, some three kilometers away from the town campus, the polytechnic currently has five schools and these schools are headed by directors.
To perform such other function as opinion of the Council may serve to promote the objective of the polytechnic.  The Rector was in charge of the polytechnic.  The first Rector of the Federal Polytechnic Kaura Namoda was in person of Alhaji Ja’afar B. Ango (1983 – 1991) Engr. Lugard A. Ahmed is the present Acting Rector of the Polytechnic.  The Federal Polytechnic Kaura Namoda comprises of five school namely:

  • The School of Science and Technology comprises of the department of Science Laboratory Technology, Catering and Hotel Management Food Science Technology, Maths and Statistics and Computer Science.
  • School of Environmental Studies comprises of Architectural Technology, Quantity Survey and department of Building Technology
  • School of Business and Management Studies it has department of Business Studies, Office Technology and Management, Accountancy, Banking and Finance, Marketing and Public Administration.
  • School of Engineering Technology; comprises of Electrical/Electronic Technology, Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Technology.
  • School of General Studies; comprises of department of Pre-ND BAM, Science and OTM.

The Polytechnic also runs a Consultancy Unit which is headed by a director and it runs part-times programmes such as certificate courses in Public Account and Audit, Public Administration, Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Computer Science and OTM, while the diploma course in Public Administration, Public Account and Audit, Computer Studies and Islamic Studies respectively.


Environment:  refers to the physical condition in the working place of a secretary
–        Secretary:  is an employee in the office working as the personal assistant to an executive, dealing with letters, filling, typing and making appointments and arrangement
–        Condition:  refers to present state of health or being physically which may either be good or poor, excellent or perfect.
–        Organization:  organizing a group of people for business purposes.
–        Equipment:  refers to the things needed in the office to enhance the work of a secretary.
–        Furniture:  refers to the thing in the office like table, chairs, wall clock etc.

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