Agricultural Science Project Topics

Economic Assessment of the National Fadama Development Programme in Kano State

Economic Assessment of the National Fadama Development Programme in Kano State


Abstract Of Economic Assessment of the National Fadama Development Programme in Kano State

Fadama farming has contributed significantly to Nigeria’s agriculture in particular and the
country in general, but the contributions have remained largely unmeasured. As a result, this
study examined the influence of the National Fadama Development Project on Fadama farmers
in Kano State. Primary and secondary data were sought. A set of questionnaires was developed
and information was collected from 108 respondents who were randomly selected from the
three agricultural zones in the study area. Multiple regression analysis and simple statistical
tools, such as, means, frequency, range and percentages were used to realize the objectives of
the study. Analysis of the data revealed that fadama farming was a profitable venture among
the farmers studied. A majority of respondents owned and purchased their farm land and the
houses they lived in. A large percentage also owned radio, television, bicycle and irrigation
pump. Water from tube-wells and wash bores were used for irrigation and drinking. The
customary land system was practiced in the study area. About 46% of the respondents inherited
their farm land while 26.9% purchased theirs. Majority of respondents practiced mixed
cropping to ensure maximum plot utilization. There was efficient use of facilities provided by
the loan package. Inputs such as pumps, fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides were used by

Respondents also admitted adequate visit to farms by extension agents. There was a
significant difference between the average income of the two groups (beneficiaries and nonbeneficiaries)
at a probability level of 95%. Some constraints, such as, high cost of farm inputs,
chronic shortage of petrol and petroleum products, seasonal glut of some perishable agricultural
commodities, poor storage facilities, poor access roads to Fadama areas and difficulties in
getting registered as members of Fadama Users Association (FUA), were experienced by
respondents. Recommendations included subsidization of prices of fertilizers and other farm
inputs, frequent conduct of soil survey to determine level of salinity, creation of more micro
credit facilities to enhance productivity and provision of infrastructural facilities.



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