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Drug Abuse and Babcock University Students: the Implication on Educational Development in Nigeria

Drug Abuse and Babcock University Students the Implication on Educational Development in Nigeria


Abstract of Drug Abuse and Babcock University Students: the Implication on Educational Development in Nigeria

The general objective of this study is to examine the drug abuse and Babcock University Students – The implication on educational development in Nigeria.

Descriptive technique using quantitative analysis method was adopted and 100 Babcock University Students was selected as respondents.

Findings revealed that revealed that the causes of drug abuse in Babcock University to be peer pressure, depression, anxiety, family background, curiosity and stress management. The research also identified most common drugs abused by Babcock university students. They include Indian hemp, cocaine, Tramadol, cigarette, alcohol and drugs without prescription. Also,the effects and the consequences of drug abuse on the academic performance of drug addicts in Babcock University was revealed to be poor academic outcome, inability to learn, violent tendencies and mental instability. Measures identified for the control of drug abuse in Babcock University are regular updating of policies, other recreational activities as alternative, strict regulations and adequate punishment for offenders.

The outcomes from this study clearly show that the causes of drug abuse are peer pressure, depression, anxiety, family background, curiosity and stress management. The following recommendations are made: Government should prevent the cultivation/sales of Indian Helm and other deadly herbs that encourage drug abuse. Government should strictly enforce its existing laws against drug abuse through its regulatory agencies. Parents and guardians should Endeavour to monitor their children and wards so that they do not engage in drug abuse. Campus security should be improved and regular check should be carried out. Counseling education should be introduced in campuses to revive those who have already been engaging in the act. Drug free clubs e.g. press club should be established in campuses





Drug abuse has become a fast rising habit among the Nigerian youths of today. The society is filled with drug abusing individuals who over time become dependent on these drugs. Like other social problems, drug abuse is a social problem of great concern which has drawn the attention of everyone both affected and non-affected. Some individuals who take these drugs are ignorant of the consequences; some are so addicted that they find it hard to stop or believe they cannot live without it. The consequences of drug abuse being so great and disturbing, nevertheless, the rate of drug abusers or drug taking individuals is still on the increase daily.

This research will be focusing on drug abuse by Babcock University students. In a religious private University where certain morals and standard are being upheld, it might be a little shocking to an outsider to know that drug abuse is a popular trend in this tertiary institution. Babcock University authorities and management have placed laws that prohibit these drugs from being brought into the school premises. Caffeine content drinks like Coke is not accepted within the campus even during ceremonies like convocation. Over time it has become evident that these laws are not as effective as they should be because students have devised a means to smuggle the said contraband into the school premises.

Some of the drugs abused include codeine [cough syrup] , cannabis[marijuana], sedatives, laxatives, pain-relieving drugs and alcohol.

Ahianwu [2005] confirmed that cannabis is by far the most commonly used illicit drug with usage of 4% of the world population compared to 1% for all other drugs combined. Oshodi, Aina, and Onajole[2010] also explained in their study that marijuana is the most commonly used substance followed by tobacco.

Alan [2005] stated that the motive behind drug abuse may be sociological, psychological, out of boredom, curiosity, to alleviate fear, derive sexual and physical pleasure or family background.

This study seeks to know how drug abuse by Babcock University students affects their academic performance and in turn affects the overall educational development in Nigeria.

Oshoky and Alli [2006] in their studies on perception of drug abuse amongst Nigerian undergraduates also identified dependence and addiction as one of the major consequences of drug abuse, characterized by compulsive drug craving seeking behaviours even in the face of negative consequences.


Drug abuse by students in Babcock University is highly on the rise. This virus called drugs has eaten deep into the existence of several students. For some, it has become an addiction bringing them to a state of dependency. Thus, this problem cannot be overlooked.

The consequences of drug abuse on the social, spiritual, physical and most especially the academic welfare of the concerned students are without doubt very much real. This study aims not only at pointing out the implications  of drug abuse by Babcock University students on the educational development in Nigeria but also to provide solutions to this spreading virus within the campus space.


The main objective of this study is to determine the effect of drug abuse by Babcock University students on the educational development in Nigeria. Other specific objectives include:

  1. to find out the causes of drug abuse in Babcock University
  2. to find out the most common drug abused by Babcock University students
  3. to find out the effects and consequences of drug abuse on the academic performance of drug addicts in Babcock University
  4. to control and curb drug abuse in Babcock University by making useful and implementable suggestions.


  1. Why do students abuse drugs in Babcock University?
  2. Which drugs are most commonly abused by Babcock University students?
  3. What are the effects and consequences of drug abuse on the academic performance of drug addicts in Babcock University ?
  4. Which measures and methods can be used to control and curb drug abuse in Babcock University?


This study will be carried out using the quantitative and qualitative method of research which will involve the use of questionnaires, observations and cumulative data from legitimate sources. The quantitative method of data collection will be used in carrying out this research adequately because it makes use of mathematical and statistical methods which will help us determine the exact number, average and percentage of the intended study. Also the qualitative method will involve real facts and data collected from appropriate sources and departments in Babcock University who have true knowledge about the abuse of drugs by students within the school premises.


This research work will be carried out in Babcock University, using Babcock University students as the population of interest. This research work will be considering six [6] departments in the University as the population sample. These departments include; Computer science and Engineering, Political science and Public Administration, Business Administration and Marketing, Accounting, Law and security studies, Economics and Anatomy.

This study will collect and consider data within the last six years [2012-2018] based on the reasons of more accuracy and more importantly drug abuse had increased more during this period of time.


This study would be of immense importance to students , firstly to enlighten those who are yet to engage in taking drugs or are intending to engage in drug abuse on the dangers they will be facing from engaging in such act. Furthermore it would help students who are already victims of drug abuse to find a way out. Addiction and dependency can be tough but with the right guidance and help from the right personnel, they could overcome such habit.

It would also enlighten and guide guardians, parents and the school authorities or management on the signs to look out for which would indicate that their wards may be using drugs. Furthermore, measures to be taken to prevent, curb and control drug abuse by the students concerned would also be highlighted.

It would furthermore draw the attention of the Nigerian government to the implications of drug abuse by Babcock university students on the educational development in our country Nigeria.  This, if acted upon effectively would enable the boom, stabilization and progress of the educational sector in Nigeria which will in turn groom and breed future leaders, who will be mentally sound and morally upright.


Chapter 1; Introduction

This chapter contains background to the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions, research methodology, scope of the study, significance of the study, chapter outline and operational definition of terms. This chapter makes an introduction to the research topic.

Chapter 2; Literature Review and Theoretical Framework

This chapter entails the ground work done by others on which this research is to be based, hence the need for a review. It sums up the positive and negative past works while giving due credit to the authors. This chapter contains the theoretical framework, conceptual framework, and empirical review.

Chapter 3; Research Methodology

This is a sum up of the research design, the procedures and research methods used in carrying out this research. Data sampling and data sources are also detailed. The research method used, materials and equipment are also justified here.

Chapter 4; Data Presentation and Analysis

Results obtained in the research are presented, analyzed and discussed in this chapter.


Chapter 5; Conclusions and Recommendations

Conclusions are made from the results of the research. Recommendations will also be made.


  1. Drug:  Nnachi [2007] considered a drug to be a chemical modifier of the living tissues that could bring about physiological and behavioural changes.
    1. Development:  this refers to the growth and positive progress of the educational development sector in Nigeria. The success and blossoming of this sector can only be achieved with mentally and morally sound individuals.
    2. Implications: this refers to a likely consequence as a result of an action or a thing.



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